Tough Kookie

746 23 3

Taehyung POV:
Oh god. What an I going to tell the others. Will they even let him stay? Although he can be a bit of a pain, I actually really like having him around. I don't feel so lonely anymore.
"YAH! Are you even listening!" I sighed and looked up at the ear twitching Jungkook.
"Ok, no I wasn't."
"I'm worried about what is going to happen when my hyungs get back..." He looked at me confused.
"Why would you be worried about your hyungs," I looked at him as he was speaking and saw a protective ora flash in his eyes, "they don't abuse you right?" Well... not in a physical abuse... it's more unintentional emotional.
"No they don't."
"*huff* good." Over the two days I have spent with him, I have noticed that he seems to really like it here, and whenever I went out he would follow me right on my heels like I would leave him. It's a little cute.
"Hey, Jungkook, listen when my hyungs do come home, don't do anything stu-" I cut off as the door was opened and in fame my hyungs. Jungkook whirled his head around and was about to move around the wall to see who it was before I ran over to him and stopped him.
"Stay here for a moment PLEASE." He grumbled, but nodded. I turned the corner and was mocked back by a huge hug.
"YAWWWA TAE I MISSED YOUUUUUU!" I laughed as Jimin had enveloped me in a tight hug and started to pepper my face with kisses. Yoongi laughed at the sight and walked closer with Namjin couple behind. That's when I realized that Jimin and I were standing practically next to Jungkook. I turned to him and saw anger of his face and he glared at Jimin, who was still kissing my cheeks. He growled and moved forward, pushing Jimin off of me. I gasped in surprise as he pulled me close and kissed my head still glaring at Jimin.
Jimin laid on the floor confused and shocked, Yoongi a twin only standing and Namjoon and Jin were looking at me for an explanation. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and my gaze flicked everywhere but to their eyes.
"Taehyung, who is this?" I heard Jin ask, a little too sweetly for this mood.
"Oh.. he- he I-is u-uhh.."
"I'm his.... boy.. friend."
"Ohhh," Jin said nodding, then snapped his head in my direction, "Tae, why didn't we know about him?"
"I-uh- it was never brought up..."
"Fair enough." Namjoon chirped in, helping Jimin to his feet.
"BUT WHY DID HE PUSH ME TO THE GROUND!" Jimin yelled, his tail swishing back in fourth in anger.
"H-he is un p-protective.."
"All I was doing was greeting you, gosh."
"Well that kind of greeting has to stop, cause it's making me ticked." He pulled me closer so that I got a face full of chest.
"Aish, YAH JUNGKOOK! I NEED AIR TO BREATHE! BREATHING GIVES ME LIFE!" He looses his grip a little so that I could move my head back with a gasp. I relinquished in the feeling of fresh air filling my lungs.
"Thank you."
"Well, Tae you could have just told us, and since he is a hybrid he could stay with us! But no you decided to be all no talk!" Yoongi finally started to speak.
"OH NOW YOU CAN GO ON COUPLE TRIPS WITH US!!!!" Jimin happily chirped, all tension gone.
I turned my attention back to Jin and Namjoon.
"H-he can stay right." They looked at each other, clearly having a parent telepathic conversation. Turning their heads back in unison they nodded. I smiled and looked at him. I jumped a little surprised to realize he had been staring at me ever since Yoongi had started talking.
"He is staying in your room though."
"I was before anyway." And with that he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and walked up the stairs leaving everyone behind. It was probably very strange for them, but it is just normal now as whenever he wants to go somewhere with me he just does this. It's a no questions asked thing.
He opened my bedroom door and dropped me on the bed. He stretched out and looked at me. I looked back into his deep, dark, mesmerizing eyes.
"Nothing... your just really pretty." I felt heat rush up to my face and I turned away.
"Why do you turn away? I complimented you. You should be proud of it and show it off to me."
"N-no it's not that... I'm embarrassed."
He leaned down over me on the bed and kissed my head. I took a deep breath and leaned up to connect our lips. I closed my eyes tightly. I could tell he was surprised at first, but quickly started moving his lips with mine and climbed on the bed with me. After a while of kissing we broke apart for air. Breathing heavily we looked at each other. Jungkook had a cheeky grin on his face.
"You kissed me."
"Ya so." I turned away embarrassed.
"Hey," He grabbed my chin and turned me toward him again, his face moving closer, "I told you not to hide from me. Your beautiful." And he reconnected our lips.
Is this what it is like to feel loved? Because I really like it.

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