
432 19 1

Taehyung POV:
I ended up spending the night and most of the next day at Adrien's. I was having so much fun with him talking and playing Overwatch that I left my phone in the other room. Only now, at 7:18 pm when I am walking down the street toward home do I look at all my notifications. I have eight missed calls from Namjoon, twenty-three from Jin, nine from Yoongi, and three from Jimin, but more than thirty texts from Jimin.
Oh god. Ya I probably should have told them I was going to be staying the night at Adrien's. I laughed remembering falling asleep on the couch in the middle of Overwatch. We ended up sleeping there and I woke up literally sprawled over him with my legs hanging off the back of the couch and my head hanging off the front. We woke up at around 3:00, so about a ten hour sleep.
I arrived in front of my house and the two cars were gone. I called them... why are they not home? I shivered when I remembered Jin's voice screaming at me and all the threats. Walking up to the door I saw that all the lights were turned off. Wow, no really IS home. I got out my keys and opened the door. Looking into the house I saw a pissed off Jungkook leaning against the hallway wall. He had his jaw crooked and rolled his eyes over to me. It's was frightening but also very attractive.
"O-oh Hey Jungkook-"
"Where were you?"
"O-oh I was... uhhhh...." I trailed off as he go tho from the wall and walked close, towering over me with growl.
"Where were yo-" he cut off and smelled the air. He sniffed moving closer to me and froze as his nose got close to my neck.
"Better question. Who is he."
"H-he.. o-oh Adrien. He is my friend."
"And why do you smell like he was hugging you?" He was growing dangerously close to me, a look of malice in his eyes and a low growl in his throat.
"J-Jungkook." He growled and slammed his fist on the wall by my head. I flinched and closed my eyes tightly for a moment.
"B-because I stayed the n-night at h-his house." His eyes grew wide with anger and his nose scrunched up in a growl. Oh shit not like that.
"NO! NO NOT LIKE THAT HE IS ONLY A FRIEND WE DIDN'T DO THAT!" He looked away, nodding his head, tongue pushed up against his cheek in anger, then looked back at me.
"J-Jungkook I promise!" He growled right in my face showing his teeth, and that's when I realized he had fangs like a wolf's, his original bunny teeth disappeared. I opened my eyes wide in fear and tried to escape but he moved his head down in a quick motion. I felt pain in my neck and froze. He is biting me. Jungkook is biting me. Jungkook has his newly sharp teeth around my neck. There was another two moments of silence and stillness, until I screamed and pushed his head. I ran to the side and into the kitchen trying to grab a knife from the knife bar but I felt a strong hand grab my forearm and yank me back. I yelped and tried to escape again but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me to the ground. Hovering over me, he looked at my body up and down. He growled and started biting and sucking on my neck. I screamed at first thinking he was going to bite me again, but soon my screams turned into moans as he found my spot.
"Where did he touch you." My body shook at his low, growling voice.
"WHERE DID HE TOUCH YOU." I whimpered and tried to struggle out of his grip.
"Fine, then I'll just have to clean all of you from him." I didn't get a chance to comprehend his words before he ripped open my shirt. I looked at the torn shirt now lying at my sides in horror of his new strength. I felt his tongue glide up my chest and neck. I shivered and turned away. He held me in place and licked all up and along my chest, neck, and arms. He moved up to my face and licked it clean, me squirming all the while. He finally kissed me, his tongue prying open my lips. I felt his hands run up and down my sides. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to melt into the kiss as he was growing more tender and loving. But all that changed when I felt two hands grab onto my ass and squeeze hard. I gasped and moaned out as he pulled away. Moving toward my ear he bit it and whisper growled: "Your mine." Before ripped down my pants and boxers. I jolted and tried to close my legs quickly, but he was faster and had his head already in between my legs. I gasped as he licked my entrance slowly, gliding along the rim. He smiled to himself before leaning up, keeping his hands on my knees to keep my legs spread, and took off his pants and boxers. He pulled me close to him and without warning thrusted into my unprepared hole. I gasped at the pain and clawed at the ground. He kept thrusting at an animalistic pace, groaning and looking up at the ceiling, then down at me. I was trying to find a grip on something but failed, so he grabbed my arms for a moment and placed them on his. I gladly dug my nails into his biceps and squished my eyes shut. I felt a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and my moans for higher pitched as I neared my high. Seeming to understand, Jungkook started thrusting even faster into my tight hole. Soon, ribbons of cum were shooting out of me and onto my chest. He kept thrusting quickly for about two more seconds until I felt warmth filling up my hole. We sighed and he thrusted in and out of me slowly, as we came down from our highs. I flopped on the ground, but soon felt two hands on my thighs, lifting them up. I gasped and looked down at Jungkook. He bent his head in and licked my abused hole. I whimpered at the over stimulation. He licked out his cum, humming at the taste of his cum and my hole. Once he was finished he leaned up and licked off my chest. He licked his lips looked up before going back down and licking all around my thighs and once or twice my dick. I was lost in a cloud of over stimulation that I lost all thoughts. All I could focus on was Jungkook's tongue. After a while when I felt like I was about to pass out he stopped and lifted me off the ground carefully. He carried me to our room and set me down on the bed. He left the room and walked into our bathroom. I stared at the ceiling listening to the sound of the sink water running for a moment before stopping. He came back in with a wet wash cloth and stared wiping my neck carefully. I loosened up at the feeling of his loving hand on my head, gingerly angling my head to get better access to the bite. After he finished he put away the cloth and climbed into bed with me. Nuzzling into my shoulder he wrapped his arms around me. In a swift moment I buried myself in the sheets and laid my head on his stomach. He paused for a moment, then moved his hand down to my head and stroked my hair and ears. I pulled back the covers and looked up at him. He was looking at me, clearly saying sorry about being rough earlier. I scooted up more so my head was on his chest. He smiled and slid down more, and started licking my ears. I smiled at the familiar feeling and fell asleep.
Words: 1387

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