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Taehyung POV:
Knowing that as a hybrid I can't bring him into the authorities, so I brought him inside my house. He was shivering and seemed to be in distress. I wrapped him up in a towel on the ground because he was way to heavy to bring all the way to the couch. I warmed up a heat pack and put it on his chest, which he immediately held onto. It was cute in a way, the way he curled up around it as if wanting to protect it. But it was also sad because it was clear that whatever he was trying to protect it from was something he was scared of. I sat down in front of him and watched as he slowly began to gain consciousness. When he did he blinked and looked around. Then he look at the heat pack in his arms. He looked back up and met my gaze. We stared at each other for a couple of moments until he growled a low deep growl. I had some time to react, flinching away, but then he was jumping at me. He pinned me to the ground still growling, teeth bared. I screamed in pain and fear and tried to shrink down and shimmy out of his grip.
"Hey let me go! I was trying to help you!" I screamed. He growled louder and dug his nails into my arms.
I screamed in pain and started crying in fear. The fear suddenly allowed me to express all the feelings I have ignored to show my family.
"PLEASE! OH GOD I DONT WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS! I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED! I AM TIRED OF BEING ALONE! DONT LET ME DIE LIKE THIS PLEASE!" I screamed out with my eyes squished shut. I waited for the blow that was going to kill me, but it never came. Instead, words came.
"You and me both." I heard a voice say from above me. I opened my eyes and realized he said that. His expression had turned from angry to hurt.
"Wha-whaa?" I looked at him, shocked. He got off me and crouched on his toes. I sat up and looked at him.
"Who made you?" He asked.
"What! Made me?" What was this? His way of asking who my parents are?
"What doctor? Or scientist? Or crazy war leader?"
"I don't know. I never knew my previous owner."
"So you didn't grow up in a lab? How are you so unhappy then?"
"I uh— w-well you see... I am ... uh... really lonely."
"I smell two other hybrids and two humans here, you are clearly not alone."
"Well... they all have a lover, and it's with each other. So I am always alone."
"Well at least you have someone to talk to from time to time." He growled, but not at me, as if at his past. He suddenly looked at me with an intense ferocious look in his eyes. He jumped forward and grabbed me.
"Ahh hey! S-stop!" I screamed in fear again started crying again. I wish I never helped this guy! He took me upstairs and smelled the air. He turned toward my room and threw me on the bed. I curled up in fear trying to protect myself from death. But instead I felt warm arms wrap around me and envelope me in a blanket of warmth.
"You are too scared of me. I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt someone who tried to help me." He brought his face to my cat ears and started licking them. To humans, this would be strange and gross, but to hybrids and animals, it's a sign of trust and compassion. I relaxed and slowly fell into sleep with this wolf hybrid grooming me. But before I did, I had to know at least one thing about him.
"I'm Kim Taehyung, what's your name?"
"That's your name?"
"It's what I was called."
"JK huh... how about Jungkook."
"Sure, I like that."
Jk as in Jungkook.
97 as in year he was born.
9 as in month he was born.
1 as in day he was born.

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