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Taehyung POV:
Let's just start out by saying I am really confused. And surprised. And cooing. Here's why:

Jungkook quickly grabbed my hand, dragging me from the car and into the house. He locked the door quickly once inside and grabbed me once again. He pulled us up the stairs, through the hallway, and into our shared room.
Sitting down on the bed he looked up at me with big, brown, doe eyes. This was a look I had  never really seen on him before. A look of innocence, and fear.
"I-I....." he trailed of and looked to the side his face flushed. His hand twitched in his lap. He looked so cute and innocent, I wanted to protect him. He looked at me again the turned back to the wall. His twitched hand stopped shaking and reached up to his hat, pulling it off. Two fluffy long ears sprang up. To say the least I was surprised. Way more then surprised. I stared at his new ears in confusion. Who would have thought that the big, tough, wolf Jungkook was also the small, cute, bunny.

So here we are me cooing at his ears and moving forward. It seemed to be a bad mood because the tears that were in his eyes bushes out and he hid his face in the pillows. I watched his body get wracked with his sobs as I sat down next to him.
"Y-you think I'm weird and a disgusting disgrace!" He sobbed into the pillow.
"No no Kookie I don't." I said and wrapped my arms around his larger frame. Pulling him close so that his face was out of the pillow I kissed his head.
"I think your ears are cute and I love them." I nuzzled my head into his shoulders and neck.
I felt his cry's stop, but his body still shivered from fear.
"I mean it Kookie." His shaking slowed but was still prominent.
What does he do to calm me down? Oh!
I moved my head a little above his and started to lick his ears. He froze for a second and slowly his shaking ceased. We sat in a comfortable silence just listen to the air conditioner and each other's breathing. It was peaceful. As the world around me dulled and my eyes grew heavier I heard a faint mumble before I was thrown into sleep.
"Thank you Tae."

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