My only Care is You

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Jungkook POV:
I knew Lee. He made me. Kept me trapped in his lab. And he has Taehyung. My reason for living.
I wasted no time in sprinting away from the others. No time running toward the hell I was created in. No time in running back to my nightmares. All to save the love of my life.
This path was all too familiar. Running down it in fear and determination. But this time, I'm running toward it. I see the San sinful building I have been hiding from. I'm not afraid of it. I'm afraid of what's IN it.
I quickly run up to the vent system I used to escape and clambered back in. Using my sense of smell I tracked my very dull sent back the way I came. I ended up back in the room of torture. I felt my heartbeat increase and fear override my systems. I closed my eyes and got my wits together. That's when I heard the sound of faint crying coming from a room over.
Snapping up I listened closely and smelled the air. Taehyung. Quickly climbing back into the vents I moved one room over. I saw Taehyung, strapped to a chair. His beautiful ears where downward, he had a red, chocker, collar on with a bell, and cuts on his face. I glanced around the room through the vent screen. No one but him in the room. One camera on the left. I quietly lifted the vent screen and reached over to the camera. In one swift blow I snapped it in half. Taehyung heard the noise and froze completely.
"Taehyung!" I jumped down from my perch and ran to him. He looked scared, with tears streaming down his face, missing the old tracks.
"Oh Taehyung." I held his face tenderly in my hands before hugging him. He broke down in my arms, trying to hug me, but his restrains refraining him from doing so. I quickly broke the restrains and almost immediately he grabbed onto me again. I lifted him from the ground and carried him to the vent, pushing him inside. He tried to crawl back into my arms but I stopped him.
"We have to go now. They are going to notice the camera and come to check in soon. We can't be caught ok." He nodded and backed up into the intersection behind him. I quickly clambered up and shut the screen. Almost immediately after doing so the door burst open and three guys looking like they came out of a swat unit charged in. I backed up into Taehyung who yelped. All three guys looked up at the vents. One instantly went to his walkie talkie and shouted: "In the vents in the vents!" I growled and scurried forward. We can not go the original way. The thought of being lost in these vents again scared the living daylights out of me, but I know we have to do it. I crawled through twist and turns, pausing every few moments at openings to see where we were, with Taehyung close behind me at all times. When I saw the front door to the lab I quickly opened the screen. Why would they expect us to go through the front? Jumping down I looked up at Taehyung who seemed hesitant to jump the seven feet. I opened my arms gesturing, I'll catch you. He finally jumped into my arms, his eyes squeezed shut. I set him down and ran toward the door, but before we could get to the glass, automatic sliding doors, I voice called out.
"Jk9791. How are you?" Whirling around I looked at the man himself.
"Lee." I growled and pushed Taehyung behind me. I let my sharp canines come out and growled again, my voice getting deeper and more gravely.
"Now now, lets not get too fiery." He took a step forward and twenty of those swat like guys showed up behind him.
I pushed him and sprinted off, just as the first shot was fired. Taehyung was far ahead of me, with an insane amount of speed. I let my wolf speed overtake me and quickly jumped through the broken glass by the pellets of bullets. We ran far and fast into the woods. After a while Taehyung grew tired. He fell the ground and I slid beside him.
"Taehyung we have to go!"
"I-I can't go on.... I... used... all.... my energy.." he breathed heavily and collapsed on the ground. I grabbed him and ran off, scared of the fact that they are still out there, looking for us. For me. For him. A familiar house appeared soon and I jumped the fence. Tumbling into the yard, him in my arms. I shivered and looked up at the houses sliding glass doors. Your so close now. I heaved him up on my shoulders and walked, shakily into the house. I collapsed onto the ground in the kitchen immediately and curled up around him. He whimpered lightly and buried his face in my chest. In exasperated breathes I said:
"I-it's ok now.... your safe.... I'm here Tae... I'm here..."
And blackness overtook my vision

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