Omniscient Narrator & Third Person Voice (II)

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Before we get to the actual article on Omniscient Narrator and Third Person Voice, here is an article that will contextualise the next one, and which explains a bit about the difference between omniscient POV and head hopping.


The difference between omniscient point of view and head hopping is something that stumps a lot of writers. But there are big differences between the two, here are the basics.

Omniscient POV is Only One Viewpoint

One of the biggest misconceptions about omniscient point of view is that it allows you to go into the viewpoint of any character in your story at any time. This is not true. Omniscient point of view only has one viewpoint – the viewpoint of the narrator. This narrator stays the same throughout the entire novel.

The narrator does not "go into" the viewpoints of the other characters, because it doesn't have to. The narrator already knows everything about all of the characters. This may seem like splitting hairs, but it's a very important distinction: The narrator does not go intodifferent viewpoint, it simply chooses which information to convey about which characters at which moments.

Omniscient POV Only Has One Voice

Probably the most glaring error in omniscient point of view is when the voice changes when describing the thoughts and feelings of each different character. This is a blatant giveaway that the work is head hopping rather than omniscient. Since omniscient sticks to only one viewpoint – one narrator – it must always stick to one voice.

This means that the vocabulary, sentence structure, and word choices should not change when different characters are explored. Margo may speak like a stuffy old woman while Tom swears like a sailor, but when their emotions and thoughts are described in omniscient, the narrative should read with the exact same voice unless it is italicized as a direct thought.

Omniscient POV is Strategic

The omniscient narrator is a storyteller who chooses when to reveal emotions and thoughts of characters as it is important and relevant. There is a strategy there. A strategy to build suspense, to engage the reader, and to focus the story. It does not delve into the thoughts and emotions of characters on a whim. There is a logical and important reason for switching the focus to different characters.

Head hopping, on the other hand, often has switches that are erratic, that serve no purpose, and are put there simply because it's easier to switch perspectives all the time than it is to convey things without going into the heads of different characters. Where omniscient POV feels strategic, head hopping feels lazy and sloppy.

Omniscient POV is Omniscient

Omniscient means "all knowing." It does not mean "jumping into the heads of different people." The omniscient narrator knows everything – not just the thoughts and feelings of the character it's currently delved into – it knows the thoughts and feelings of everyone, at all times, including before the story started and after the story ends. The omniscient narrator knows what's happening halfway across the world. It knows the temperature outside, the exact time of day, and how many buttons are on the mailman's jacket. It knows everything.

This does not mean the omniscient narrator does or should reveal everything (again, it must be strategic), but it does know everything. Head hopping does not evoke the God-like, all knowing feel of the omniscient narrator, it reads like we're simply jumping between the brains of ordinary characters.


In the next chapter, an article most (if not all) beginner or intermediate writers will find helpful. Thanks for reading folks!

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