Who is she???

56 3 46

Gab: Soooo.... today's dare will be about who's Vherinda Khise's father! -/////-

Kuro: IT'S AYATO!!!

Kris: IT'S SHIMON!!!

Gab: -_-

Gris: Could be Birdbrain tho...

Gab: 0_0 *anime falls*

Tenma: (//Δ//)

All: Tenma and Chris? Naaahhh....

Benio: But she did say she liked Tenma before...

Gab: Keyword: liked and Before PAST TENSE!!! PAST!!!

Rokuro: Eh? So u like Shimon now?

Gab: *trips* Ugh...

Mayura: Eto...

Gab: Aaaaanyway! We'll go to the future but we'll be invisible spectators to not change anything... *clock eye glows 7:00* WEEE!!!

~To the Future~

Gab: Here we are! Oh, and the mansion's still the same...

F. Rokuro: Oi!!! Come back here!!!

???: No way!!! *giggles*

Benio: Is that... the miko?

Rokuro: Yeah.... She looks beautiful... Just like her mom... *hugs Benio*

Gab: Awww~! *takes pic*

Aki: ^~^

Cey: Eyyy! It's future me!!! Sleeping...

F. Cey: Hm...

F. Shimon and F. Mayura: *strolling through the forest*

Gab: ... Let's go find Vherinda... *walks*

Aki: *whispers* She's jealous...

Anri: True true... *whispers back*

Shimon: -//////-

Mayura: >/////<

Gab: Oh look! There's me!!!

F. Gab: *smiling while telling a story to a 3-year-old Vherinda Khise*

Gab: ....... *looks around*

Una: Eyy... Where's the father?

F. Subaru: Oi! Una! We're gonna be late!

F. Una: I'M COMING ALRIGHT!!! *trips in her black dress* Well sh*t...

F. Shaine: *sleeping on the couch*

Gab: Even Shaine's here...

F. Seigen: *resting with Yukari under a tree*

Mayura: *smiles*

F. Tenma: Oi! Kuro! I thought you wanted to go to the concert?!

F. Kuro: Dammit! *slams door*

F. Tenma: That idiot... *whispers* but she's my idiot...

Gab: *squeals*

Kuro and Tenma: ( Δ )

Kris: *-*

F. Kris: *practicing her songs*

Gab: Wew, Kris...

F. Gab: I know you're there...

Gab: *freezes*

F. Gab: Well, I am you, am I not? To tell you the truth, Vherinda Khise's father is... ----

Gab: R-really?

F. Gab: *nods* Now go... *smiles*

~Back to the Present Time~

Gab: Sooo... Vherinda Khise's father is...

Kuro: Ayato!

Kris: Shimon!

Anri: Ayato or Shimon?

Gris: Maybe it's the imp... *snickers*

Gab: It's no one


Gab: Well, I AM thw Goddess of Life and Death itself... and I made Vherinda Khise all alone...

Everyone: *anime falls*

Una: Nuuu....

Kris: Dammit! I thought it was Shimon!

Kuro: It had to be Ayato! Shimon's gonna end up with Mayura!

Gab: -_-||

(Well, it wasn't Vhenderise Khoir... It was Vherinda Khise... a different girl... :P Sorry not sorry Una 😂)

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