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Name: Christine Etheralia Yumina-Kanzaki--

Kris: *barges in* IT'S IKARUGA!!!

Gab: *pushes her to the black hole* ^^

Age: 16 000 years old (physically 16)

Gab (generally by everyone)
Crazy Goddess (Tenma)
Darling sister (Kuro-nee)
Gaby (Una, Shaine, Swift, Kriks)
Christine (rarely)
Chris (rarely)
Chichinashi (Ayato)
Pancake (Kriks)
Chrissie (Kuro-nee)

Hair color:
Raven black (goddess form)
Dark brown (human form)

Eye color:
Golden right clock eye, violet left eye (goddess)
Tey (one shade closer to black) (human)

Status: ..........engaged

Kris: ^^

Gab: >/////<

Crush: ........Ikaruga Shimon

Listening to music
Zoning off

9 Gods/Goddesses Council
Narukami Private Campus
Exorcists Union

Goddess of Time, Dimensions, War, Power, Yin Yang, Life and Death, Vampires
Keeper of the Dimensions
Balance of the Multiverse

Rucia Kanzaki (Mother)
Kurohana Celestine Kanzaki (elder sister)
Liliana (addressed little sister)

Kris: How about your father?

Gab: Don't tell me I'm a horrible child but I forgot his name... 0_0

Kris: 0_0

Aesthetic: Goth... (Cat ears too..?)

Gab: ^^"

Kris: The sock is my aesthetic... ^w^

Future children: Vhenderise Khoir, Vherinda Khise... And an unknown son


Gab: *spits out tea*

Shimon: O////O

Vhenderise Khoir pic:

Vhenderise Khoir pic:

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Vherinda Khise pic:

Vherinda Khise pic:

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Unknown Son pic:

Christine's Picture:

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Christine's Picture:

(GODDESS FORM: Ples imagine the right eye is a golden clock)

Favorite ship:
ReiRi (Reiji and Krikari)
UnBaru (Una and Subaru) (SAKAMAKI)

Kris: >///////<

Gab: -w- Revenge is always sweet~

Theme Song:
Monster by Skillet

Cress (Holy Dragon)
Cross (Dark Dragon)
Croess (Combined; Holy Dark Dragon)

Famous Quotes:

"It is never too wise to dream too much. It will only lead you to being crushed. But if that's what you want, work hard for it ans you shall be triumphant"

Kris: ...deep

"The future is near, yet far. How can humans be so faithful?"

"Time is always flowing, everlasting, eternal. It is yet a glass canon. One mistake and time's waves shall be altered"

"Death is my friend. Torture is my game. Pick one out and we shall never be the same"

Kris: 0_0


When she was born, she was kidnapped by someone unknown, then given to some humans. Christine grew up to hate herself as people bully her for her eyes amd powers. Not taking it anymore when she was 10, she ran away and accidentally disturbed Kuro's ritual.

There, Kuro took her in and trained her to control her powers. Not long after, it was discovered Christine was her long lost sister. She was enrolled in the Divine Goddess Academy but never finished it because of her laziness. This resulted to her not controlling much of her power and posing as a potential threat.

Christine hated herself again. Later, Kuro helped her to find her Shikikamis, Cress and Cross, the dragons of Yin Yang. She then was missing for a good 2 000 years... And no one knew her whereabouts... Nor at least have an idea where was she...

One day, when she was watching humans do their stuff, she "met" Una, Swift, Kriks and Shaine. They went to the Sakamaki Household (Gab accompanied them) and there she met Ayato Sakamaki---

AyGa shippers: *unholy screeching*

Gab: 0_0

That's when they *cough* fell in love *cough* and became a couple for almost a year, when the time for Eve, aka Yui, choosing Adam. Yui chose Ayato (as she fell in love with him and that's what it said in her wiki 😂) and he couldn't control his bloodlust that he forgot who Christine was and their sole promise amd chose Yui over her.

Kris: *going rampant*

Being heartbroken and mad, she ran away, back to her dimension. She kept her heartbreak and depression a secret and kept on making Ayato leave everytime he comes back to apologize. After five months, she had moved on and was happy. When Kuro knew about it, she convinced her to get back with Ayato.

Then, she met the TSE peeps. And there started her crush on Ikaruga *cough* Shimon *cough*... She was keeping it a secret til 'someone' tagged her and made her admit it. There started the shipping and other stuff and you know the rest~!


Every time throws a tantrum, the ground shakes. The louder her cries, the stronger the earthquake...😂

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