CEBUUUUUU--- *cough*

52 7 28


Rokuro: Bean bags?!

Kris: Eh... :3

Shimon: Where's... Gab?

Kuro: Yeah! Where's my darling sister?!

Kris: Ohoho~!

Shimon: -/////-

Benio: *eats ohagi*

Kris: Anyway, this is a message from Gab..
*opens box and a hologram Gab in her human form is waving*

Holo Gab: Hello guys! So as you can see.. this is a message, not real me! Kris will be taking charge of you til you all get here! And by I mean all, I mean "My friends, RokuBeni, ShiMayu and TenKris/TenRo~! I have the tickets with Kris and the uniform! Buh-bye~! *turns off*


Kris: Eh, she said her real life school or something...

Mayura: W-we're visiting Cebu?

Cey: *nods*

TSE: *groans*


Gab: *sneezes*

Mary: U have a fever?

Gab: Nope... -.-


Rokuro: What uniform is this... *wearing a certain uniform*

Benio: .... *wearing a certain uniform* ???

Shimon: *sighs*

Mayura: This uniform is kawaii~ *twirling around*

Kris: *nodding*

Kuro: *wearing a guest uniform* LEZ GO!!!

All: -_-

~Timeskip by quizzes killing Gab~

Gab: *cleaning the lobby while studying her notes* (I do that irl)

Janelle: Hey, (I'll be using my surname alias here~ 😂) Kanzaki... Are you do---

???: GAB!!!/GAB-CHAN!!!/GAB-SAN!!!

Gab: Eh? *looks up and gets tackled* UWAH!!!

Janelle: 0_0

Kuro, Roku, Benio, Mayu, Kris, Cey, Anri: *still hugging her* ^^

Tenma: Tch, you all missed her so much?

The golden seven: *nods*

Gab: ^^" L-Let's get inside

Shimon: Gab, what school is this?

Gab: *stands up* Ah, welcome to (insert school blah blah blah 😂)!!! ^^ I cast a spell on you guys when I sent the message, making you all look like highschoolers! Kuro-nee and Anri will be guests here in SciHi!!! ^^

Kris: Wait, isn't this the prestigious school that beats (insert school name)?

Gab: *nods*

Taurus-chan: *pops up* OH MY FRIK!!! YOU'RE INTELLIGENT?!

Gab: ^^"

Cey: Class should start soon, right?

Gab: Uh-huh... *scanning her notes while cleaning* VM! I'm done!

Janelle: Good! Get inside now

Gab: K! *puts away broom and sits*

Shimon: 0-0 Where are we gonna sit...

Gab: Just anywhere...

Kris and Tenma: *arguing over which one should take the front seat*

Gab: ...

Rokuro: Gab, I just noticed... Why is your chest bigger in your human form?

Gab: *chokes* -/////-

Benio: *knocks him out and bows*

Rokuro: @-@

Shimon: *took the seat behind Gab*

Mayura: *sat beside Gab*

RokuBeni: *took the seats in front of Gab*

Gab: *reading notes* Hmm... *muttering about scientists and cells*

Benio: Is there a quiz?

Gab: *nods* About cells and stuff like that...

All: *huddles near Gab and reads*

TenKris: *still bickering*

Teacher: *arrives and starts to discuss*



Gab: *sharing her umbrella with Jeff* Soo... What's the next subject?

Jeff: MAPEH...

Both: *sees Arturo with the TSE characters*

Gab: Oh, hey Arturo III... *snickers* Wanna share the umbrella with me and Jeff?

Arturo: *deadpans* I don't wanna have a threesome

Tenma: Threesome?

Jeff: When three people have *bleep* and the ruler goes in---

Gab: *covers his mouth* Don't. say. another. word.

Jeff: *nods*

Benio, Roku, Tenma, Mayu, Shimon: ?

Kris: -//////-

Gab: *sighs* So, who wants to share the umbrella with me and Jeff? I'm pretty sure we can fit another person... And I have two more umbrellas here... *shows it*

Kris: *takes one and puts it over RokuBeni and Mayura*

Gab: .... *takes one and puts it over TenKris*

Kris: *pushes Shimon to Gab*

Shimon: 0////0

Gab: Are you challenging me... Unomiya Kris?

Tenma: -/////-

Kris: It might seem so... Ikaruga Christine

Shimon: We aren't married...

Kris: Yet~! ^^

Gab: -_-

Kuro: Darling sister! Why do you lose your loving personality in this hell hole?! *cries*

Jeff: 0_0

Gab: Because I take school seriously..? 0-0

Una: Gab!!! Oh! I see~! Love triangle?!

Shaine: XD

Gab: *chokes* -/////- What the hell...

Shimon: -//////-

Gab: We're gonna be late for MAPEH, bye~!

Una and Shaine: *waves*

All: *goes to Mapeh room*

Teacher: Go change into your PE clothes...

Mayura: W-We don't have PE!

Gab: *throws it at them*

~In the oval~

Teacher: *blows whistle*

Gab: *runs*

The rest: *runs*

Gab: *stops* Wait... I'm dreaming again... *yawns*

~Real world~

Gab: *walks down the stairs*

Rokuro: Oh! Hi Gab!

Gab: *waves and yawns*

Ayato: *drags her away to cuddle*

Gab: ( Δ )

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