Ok this chapter is about how some things can get out of hand easily. Now I understand that drama is a common thing whether you are at school, at home or at work. These things can reduce the size of drama you face on a daily basis.
Lets take a school reference: Let's say this girl called Vanessa was picking on this other girl called Katie.
Ok, so let's just say she was saying nasty things that were unneeded and inconvenient to anything in particular.
Katie is capable of either controlling herself and making into a small situation that can be handled by themselves or she can take it in an unfriendly manner and lose it completely.If you chose the second one, that's most probably not the best way to handle situations such as that. As the Title of this chapter says "Small things can turn into Big Problems". This is one of those situations. It's a small thing but someone can immediately change that and make it into a bigger situation of what it really is. It may be a little hard to process at first. But it's true. The less big of a deal you make out of it, the less of a deal the situation really is.
If you chose the first one. That is the likely choice, because if you show this person (in our case Vanessa) that you really do not care and that it doesn't get to you. They will have nothing to use against you, I fact you should take it as a funny thing and everything he/she says either act bored or just laugh it off. It's not a hard thing to accomplish. I for sure haven't accomplished it, but I am working my way there.
Don't make things a bigger deal then what they really are!
The Little Things In Life
RastgeleThis is a book that I thought may help people in need of something that they have that you can be grateful for. Things that you should be happy about yourself with. This is originally inspired from my friend. But I didnt want to copy her so I made...