Hellsing Imagines (Seme!Male!Reader)

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•Imagine Jan Valentine complaining about how no one can pronounce his name correctly. He is whining and pouting, letting you get a better view of his lip piercings. You can’t help but to chuckle quietly at him while smiling somewhat amused as he gets more and more enraged the more he rants. You lean over towards him and into his personal space, arms circling around his waist and your head on his shoulder as you purr out his name. He chokes on his breath as he hears your deep, rumbling voice drag out his name in such sensual manner. Another thing Jan reacts to is the way your hot breath ghosts over his naturally cold skin, making him shiver in response while chewing harshly on his lower lip to prevent himself of moaning out loud.

•Imagine asking Luke to switch with you to accompany Jan on a mission. You have heard tales of how Jan becomes when he finds his task especially enjoyable, and the thought of a horny, thrilled, bloodthirsty and murderous Jan makes your skin and blood buzz with anticipation and want, not to mention how badly it makes you want to push him down and fuck him like a whore.

•Imagine teasing and toying with Jan for weeks before he completely surrenders himself to you and literally begs you to fuck him hard and rough. You can’t help but to chuckle at how easy it was to seduce the low ranked vampire, but you find him incredibly cute at the same time. However, he is a smug bastard and he knows this by wearing a shit-eating smirk as he straddles your lap, grinding his hard-on against your own as he strips off his usual tracksuit. His nipple piercings shouldn’t have surprised you, but they do in a pleasant way. You proceed to ‘punish’ his smug little moment by only paying attention to his perky buds- making him come in his boxers.

•Imagine fucking Jan doggy-style, hard, fast and angry into the mattress. He is a complete and slobbery mess, tongue out of his mouth, drool trickling down his chin and piercings, flushed caramel skin and in a hazy state of mind unable control his loud moans and screams.

•Imagine rewarding Luke Valentine by giving him a blowjob. He’s sitting on your bed, pants and underwear removed. You thrive on his flustered and embarrassed expression from your position between his legs on the floor. Luke is trying to hide his flushed face by hiding in his long hair and biting his lip hard enough for it to bleed just to keep his heavy breaths and moans in. Shaking your head, you grasp one of his milky legs and start to trail kisses from the inside of his thigh towards his leaking erection. Quivering and covered in hickeys and bitemarks – you sit back for a moment to admire his pale thighs and feeling somewhat possessive as your eyes scan over every mark you have left to claim Luke as yours. A sudden whine brings you out of your possessive and pleased thoughts, and automatically brings your gaze upwards where your eyes are met with the most delicious sight you’ve seen. Luke is no longer hiding in his long and silky hair, his abused lip is not caught between his fangs and he seems to have surrendered over to the absolute pleasure he’s feeling, rather than losing his pride and feeling embarrassed over his submissive state. Licking your lips slowly and predatory, you send him a smirk before you take his whole length into your warm mouth. He whines, moans and squeals by every flick of your tongue, and he tries to buck his hips in hope of more friction, but your hands are still gripping his covered thighs- leaving even more bruises to his collection. However, it’s long before he suddenly moans out loud, body movements stopping for one second only to shiver and buzz with pleasure as he comes- warm, thick and slightly salty down your throat.

•Imagine taking Enrico Maxwell in an abandoned catholic church. You’re neither protestant or catholic yourself, but by being a vampire Maxwell starts shouting insults like; “You disgraceful protestant swine!” and “I hope you burn in hell, Hellsing dog!” This only makes you chuckle in amusement as you slowly release the catholic priest and Iscariot member. “I refer to myself as not-religious, thank you very much,” Maxwell looks dumbfounded for a second, only to open his mouth in protest to be interrupted by you again. “But ‘Hellsing dog’, that’s new.” You smile at him, reaching a hand out to caress his cheek and silver hair. “I’m far by as strong as the Hellsing watchdog you’re talking about, but I’m not your average rank D vampire either.” At this Maxwell relaxes a bit, but his anger takes over quickly as he slaps your hand away. “What do you want then, foul vampire?” You smirk at that, it’s the question you’ve been waiting for, plus you had to calm the said priest down. Rape was a huge no in your book even if vampires was known for it to avoid creating new Draculas and Draculinas. “I simply want this.” With that you capture his lips in a long, dirty and passionate kiss which makes Maxwell nearly melt in your arms.

•Imagine dragging Pip Bernadotte by his long braid towards your shared bed and throwing him onto the mattress. You know very well how sensitive his scalp is and how much he enjoys hairpulling, so it’s not a surprise that he’s already panting like a bitch in heat when you straddle his hips, pinning the French soldier to your bed. His cheeks are flushed with arousal and the one eye of his has a glazed and misty look to it as Pip stares into your (e/c) ones with a silent desire. Clicking your tongue as if scolding your lover for being impatient, one of your hands starts to loosen his hair from the braid while tugging at the strands every now and then causing Pip to let out unexpected yelps and moans. French words can be heard in between his senseless babbling and pleasure filled moans as you kiss and nip your way down his exposed throat. This makes you hum in delight before you sink your teeth into his flesh to mark Pip in a more permanent way. You love the way he reacts by your every touch, kiss, bite and hot promises of you fucking him silly. As usual the foreplay gets interrupted by an oversensitive and almost spent Pip begging you to keep the dirty promises you whispered ever so seductively into his ear as you grinded down on his rock-hard cock. You have no intentions of breaking the promises and comply to his begging by nearly ripping off his clothes, lifting him up by his hips and fucking him into the wall so hard that he has scrape marks and bruises weeks afterwards.

•Imagine biting Alucard harshly into his pale neck and drinking his blood greedily as he moans in a masochistic manner.

•Imagine making Alucard ride you in his coffin. You know he has problems with submitting completely, but the sight of him riding your hard, long and thick cock, his skin flushed and glistening with sweat which makes his black hair stick to it and him moaning like a slut, makes up for losing some of the control.

•Imagine tying (young) Walter up by his own strings. He is completely vulnerable and it makes you shudder in delight seeing him in that position while he glares at you with eyes filled with rage and detest. It doesn’t take long before he is stripped of his clothing and confidence. His eyes are now refusing to meet your own and his face is burning with shame as his erect prick is exposed for your hungry eyes to see. It seems as he enjoyed being tied up and you can’t help but to tease his bare skin until he came three times. His nipples are swollen and perky, his hole is loose and dripping and his skin is littered with your hickeys and marks from where the wire has dug into his skin. Walter looks absolutely delectable.

•Imagine fucking Anderson in a confessional as he begs, prays and regrets your ‘sins’. He comes hard, staining the glass while shouting ‘Amen’. This makes you chuckle and shake your head. He has always been and will always be such a good catholic boy.   

The last one is completely shit, but then again I have never been a huge Anderson fan hahahah.

As you can see I'm more of a Jan fan even though he was only in one episode lmao.

I hope y'all enjoyed the imagines. I'm going to make another set of imagines for a uke/bottom!reader with the same and/or different hellsing characters. Feel free to request some characters whether you want a another set of seme/top!reader or for the uke/bottom!reader ones.

Look forward to other imagines whether it's new hellsing ones or another Anime.  ♡

Again feel free to request whether it's hellsing or another Anime (it depends on if I've seen it though)

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