Death Note Imagines (Uke!Male!Reader)

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Imagine working in a small and hidden patisserie. The shop is cosy and warm, smelling of freshly made pastries and different coffees which creates a comfortable aura both for the workers and the customers. Because of the shop's location, it's not a busy workplace and most of your customers are regulars you recognize and know by name. Lately, a peculiar new customer has piqued your interest. He is by far the most fascinating man you have ever laid your eyes upon. From his dark hair, cute face, clockwork-like habits and to his weird way of sitting you can't take your eyes off him. After his third visit and the third piece of strawberry shortcake, he introduces himself as Ryuzaki and you start to join him whenever he arrives. Ryuzaki doesn't reveal much about himself, but you don't mind it just adds to his mysterious character. Somewhere along the lines of endless pieces of strawberry shortcake and odd conversations about Kira, justice and even death gods you fall for him. He's in the middle of calculating whether spiritual being exists or not when you notice some cream on his cheek. Acting on pure instinct you lean over and lick it off which makes Ryuzaki stop abruptly and blink at you. After a few seconds, he says: "Finally. The possibility of you holding affectionate feelings for me is about 89%, so I thought you'd do that weeks ago." You flush at his statement, but you lean over again this time to kiss him.

Imagine going grocery shopping with Matsuda. It's nothing huge, you two are just buying more food for the investigation team who's practically living with L nowadays. The autumn weather is chilly and windy, and your forgetful self forgot to bring gloves before you went outside. Matsuda notices this quickly and after going forth and back in his mind, he grabs your cold hand in his own nervous and slightly clammy one. Both of you flushes at Matsuda's bold move, but you don't let go and squeeze his hand as a quiet thanks.

Imagine sitting in Matt's lap as you are in the middle of a huge Super Smash Bros Brawl duel. Usually, Matt would win easily, but the fact that you are currently seated on his lap is more than distracting. Your inability to sit still makes him groan throatily, seeing as you are grinding and rubbing your ass on his already half hard cock. It doesn't take long before he pauses the game and throws you onto the floor with a new 'game' in mind.

Imagine angry sex with Mello. His angry and snappy personality is difficult to deal with at times, but the hot, steamy and messy sex makes up for it. Mello is the type to almost crush your hips in his grip as he takes you hard and fast from behind. He also bites at your nape and shoulders a lot, but you just eat it all up. The morning after endless rounds of Mello's angry love leaves you both relaxed and cleansed in a way, and Mello always finds you in your shared bathroom admiring his marks all over your body from the night before.

Imagine Light telling you about the camera situation in his house and convincing you to do something daring in front of his 'audience'. You know he just wants to throw the investigation team off, but you couldn't help but get lost in his deep and passionate kisses. For an outstanding boy who didn't seem interested in anyone he sure knew how to take your breath away and sweep you off your feet. Your hot makeout session escalated as he lifted you up and pressed you against the wall which made you gasp. Light took this chance and proceeded to run his tongue over every corner of your mouth almost as if he was marking his territory. Pulling away to breathe, you catch a glimpse of his slightly swollen and spit slicked lips curled up in a smirk. It would be interesting to see what kind of reaction his father would have the next time he saw you.

Imagine falling in love with Light Yagami and slowly but surely falling into his dark and sticky grip of madness. Your love is self-destructive, you are very aware of that fact, but yet you always lose your grip on reality and rationality whenever he's close. It doesn't help that Light is clever with his sweet words and praises he mutters in your ear whenever the two of you share body heat and tangle your limbs into one being. "You're so loyal and good to me," Light kisses up your neck, leaving his marks everywhere for everyone to see. "My own sweet boyfriend." Another praise, another kiss, another night full of nothing but lovemaking. Light is manipulative and knows his way to your heart with words and kisses and even though you know this, it still makes you fall deeper into his grasp.

Imagine riding Matt on your shared motel bed. Mello is out doing god knows what, which leaves the two of you alone in a cramped motel room filled with sexual tension. You can't keep your hands off each other and it's not long before your clothes are all over the floor and the two of you are making out on the bed. Matt is a lazy fucker as always and you love the feel of how deep his cock reaches inside you as you ride him like tomorrow.

Imagine being L's boyfriend. You share a huge floor for yourselves in the building where the investigation has been moved. It's not always you're lucky enough to feel Lawliet's warm presence in your shared bed, but when you wake up in his strong grip you feel blessed and oddly domestic. Seeing as you have the floor to yourselves, you often wander around in nothing but Lawliet's huge sweaters. He loves the sight of your exposed (s/c) skin since the sweater only covers your torso and some of your thighs. Whenever you wear his clothing, Lawliet is always quick to drag you back into bed, so he can mark up your skin and rediscover your body over and over again.

Next Imagine: Danganronpa (uke!male!reader) 

hope you like these and feel free to come with requests/suggestions 


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