One Piece - Strawhats Sleep Habits Headcanons

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A request I got on tumblr: "I've recently found your blog and your writing is soo good! If it's not a bother,how would the straw hat crew react to s/o who undresses in their sleep,like it's the first time they sleep together,cuddling and all,and then in the middle of night they can feel them moving too much and in the morning they're "magically" naked (or only in underwear)?"


- The moment he notices that you've somehow managed to remove all of your clothes during the night he's more confused than anything.

- Though Luffy is 19 years old, he's never shown interest in anything sexual, so sneaking a peek at your naked body isn't the first thought that comes to mind. 

- He finds it hilarious more than anything else and he clasps a hand over his mouth, so his loud laughter won't wake you up. 

- Then he decides to join you and takes off his own sleeping attire, again with nothing sexual in mind, but he enjoys the heat your tangled bodies make as you cuddle.


- Zoro is one of those who sleeps like a starfish in bed. Even though he can sleep everywhere at every given time, he is the most restless in an actual bed. Which makes him more likely to wake up with one of his limbs on an awkward or intimate place on your body. 

- The first thing he notices when he wakes up is your naked body and of course, it makes him flush a remarkable shade of red. Then Zoro notices the (un)lucky placement of his hand which makes the blush redden.

- Zoro is definitely more experienced and has more knowledge than Luffy when it comes to situations involving naked bodies, but he's absolutely no Sanji. He more than anyone in the crew, knows what the words respect, boundaries and honour imply. So, no matter how big the urge to look at your unknowing and completely exposed body is, he doesn't and actually tries to cover you more.

- Despite his cool manner and how 'manly' his image is, Zoro is also incredibly awkward. You had not prepared him for something like this to happen and he has absolutely no idea what to do. His area is the art of swordsmanship, not repressing morning woods and act all neutral beside your sleeping, naked form.

- In the end, he decides to lay back down beside you on the bed, but his posture is so stiff and nervous that he is unable to fall asleep again.


- Sanji is a huge romantic and he loves to embrace the ones he sleeps with. Not only because of the intimacy, but also as a small reassurance that the happiness he has obtained still is present in his arms.

- So, when he feels more skin than he's normally used too, he's both delighted and conflicted.

- Delighted because it's your beautiful, warm and flawless naked body in his arms, tempting him like nothing else in the world.

- Yes, Sanji has a perverted mind, but he values his gentleman abilities more, which is where the conflicted feeling steps in.

- At last, he decides to let this wonderful opportunity pass before his eyes, but he does not feel any trace of regret.

- Instead, he tightens his grip around you in a gentle manner and buries his head in your neck. However, he does let his hands wander over your smooth skin, but away from any intimate body part.


- Robin finds it amusing and her usual secret giggle fills the relaxing morning aura.

- Her eyes swipe over the exposed parts of your body and she admires your sleeping form in the morning sun shining in through the windows.

- After a while of watching you sleep, she uses her devil fruit powers to pull the duvet properly over you, so you will not freeze the slightest.

- Then she leaves your shared bed to dress, and to get Sanji to make a breakfast for two in bed.


- Nami screams when she spots all of your clothes discarded on the floor and you completely naked in the bed beside her.

- However, she relaxes slightly when she sees that she still has her sleeping gown on.

- Then she wakes you up with a usual whack.

- You pout and rub your head confused as Nami glares at you from the other side of the room.

- "Explain why you're naked and I'm not," she starts and ends with a threat to never sleep with you again.

- After you awkwardly explain your weird sleeping habit, Nami apologises for jumping to conclusions followed by a hug and a kiss.

-It's one of her secret, soft and domestic sides you're only allowed to see.


- Usopp would just find it incredibly awkward.

- He's no innocent lamb like Luffy nor is he a big bad wolf like Sanji, but he knows more than enough about the issue to stop himself from lifting up the duvet.

- The decision he lands on is just to ignore the whole thing and pretend as nothing has happened.

- Though he plans to ask you about weird sleeping habits when you're awake.


- Franky is used to wearing nothing but two clothing articles and he does not have any big reactions towards you being nude beside him.

- It makes him slightly happy because it almost feels like am acceptation.

- Your sleeping habit also makes him feel more comfortable being around you since he now knows that you aren't bothered by him walking around half-naked every day.

- His new discovery makes him fall asleep with a smile on his face and more butterflies in his stomach than ever.

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