One Piece Imagines 2 (Seme!Male!Reader)

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Imagine training with Zoro. As the session grows longer and harder, sweat starts to form on both of your bodies which makes your (s/c) skin glisten in the sun. Both you and Zoro are aware of this fact and you can't help but to glance at each other's bodies with hunger. Your muscles are bulging and moving the heavier weights you lift and Zoro is gazing at you longer for each 'secret' look. The fact that his cheeks are starting to become more pink than usual and how you can feel his eyes drilling holes in your back when he ever so discreet glances at you, makes you feel more confident in your own feelings as well as a smirk spreads over your lips.

Imagine Luffy trailing over the scars on your chest and humming slightly. He loves the feel of them, how he makes you giggle slightly as he brushes over then and how they are a part of you- making you into the person he loves now. His love and support mean more than anything to you and you would never have made it to where you are now, comfortable in your own body, without him.

Imagine trying to make Katakuri's favourites – doughnuts. However, it is quite hard, and you honestly do not have the patience it requires to finish the sweet treat and, in the end, the only thing you managed to do is burning your hand on the boiling water. You end up buying some freshly made ones from a quite cute bakery to give to your purple-haired giant. Katakuri is absolutely not amused nor impressed when he comes back home, and he fusses over your burned fingers more than you would have thought. Everything is solved in the end and both of your tall frames are tangled in your huge bed cuddling as you feed your boyfriend his favourite treat.

Imagine peppering loving kisses all over Sabo's scarred body. At first, he flushes and averts his eyes away from yours in slight embarrassment and shame, but after a little while he relaxes into your touch and almost tearing up at how loved he feels.

Imagine joining Corazon on his quest to cure little Law. Law, of course, is a bit hesitant to you in the beginning, but after he discovers your relationship with the blond, he lets his defensive behaviour drop. Corazon can't help but burst out in tears of joy and he starts to refer to the three of you as a family. You don't mind, and press kisses on his temple and the corner of his mouth which causes Law to grimace in the background.

Imagine waking up by Ace grinding his ass on your rather hard morning wood while letting out small mewls of pleasure. Your hazy morning state vanishes immediately, and you growl lowly in your throat which makes Ace stiffen like a deer in the headlights. You wrap your arms rather possessively around his muscled torso before one of your hands trail down to cup his hard cock through his boxers.

Imagine fucking Sanji on the counter. At first, he tries to steer you towards the bedroom because he does not want to dirty his precious kitchen, but after a lot of persuasion from you he gives in. You trail wet and sloppy open-mouthed kisses down his exposed neck and chest as you are holding him firmly down on the counter. "Aaaah!" The sudden vail of pleasure from you biting and tugging at his nipple makes your cock twitch in your pants. The only thing you have accomplished is to rip his shirt off and cover his neck in dark purple marks. "You look so ravished already, baby," you breathe heavily as you fiddle with his belt and zipper, "but just wait until I finally take you here. Oh, you're going to look absolutely messed up in the best possible way." After you have managed to pull his usual dark slacks off in a hurried fashion, you prep Sanji quite thoroughly by eating him out and fingering his pink, twitching hole with three fingers at the same time. "Please," Sanji stammers out, cheeks flushed and drool covering his chin, "Just – aaah – [Male Name], fuck me already!" Smirking down at your blonde boyfriend, you apply some more lube on his clenching hole and on your thick cock before you finally sink into his warm and tight heat. "With pleasure, my love."

Imagine fucking Zoro in the shower on the Sunny Go. The warm water feels like heaven as it rains down on your aching and tired muscles, but at the same time, it makes everything more slippery. You have to press the swordsman's body harder into the tile wall and grip his hips in a bruising grip as you grind your own hips into him hard and fast. The trusting doesn't slow down, and the water creates even more sound mixed with your skin hitting each other every time you fuck into Zoro's ass.

Imagine you making Law masturbate in front you. He sends you an annoyed and embarrassed expression but complies nonetheless. It doesn't take long before he has lost himself in the sensation and you can see his thigs twitch and jiggle slightly with every jerk he makes with his hand. The moans he emits starts to mix with breathy hitches of your name which makes you almost cum in your pants.

Imagine taking Kid hard and fast from behind. Kid isn't happy with the situation and therefore tries to bite down hard as possible on his lip to stop himself from moaning out loud. He knows you love the sounds he makes, so as a 'punishment' for suddenly dragging him into a small closet, he refrains from making any sound at all. You, however, love it. It's so hot seeing your oh so though boyfriend struggle to emit pleasure filled moans and groans. So, when you reach a hand forwards to clamp over his mouth, you pick the pace up and Kid moans loudly, loving the unexpected turn.

Imagine making love to Mihawk. It's sweet and adoring, simple yet everything you could ask for. Mihawk has always been a romantic, probably his Spanish blood, and he always manages to set the mood perfectly. As cliché as it sounds, your boyfriend has covered the bedroom floor with rose petals and lit up more than a couple of burgundy scent candles.

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