Todoroki Enji (Endeavor) NSFW Headcanons

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There's a bit of an age gap between the two of you, with you being at the beginning of your thirties and Enji being in his forties. So, of course, you have different experiences and levels of experience.

You on your side, have only ever dated other men, and Enji has dated women.

You're definitely the more confident in the relationship, but while Enji isn't really scared to be seen with another man, he values his personal life. Plus he's pretty selfish (in the beginning) and doesn't really think about what you want/how you want to deal with dating someone like him.

Again Enji is a selfish man, but he is learning from his mistakes, though it is a very slow process. Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to the man known as Todoroki Enji.

He has never really thought of sex as anything else than reproduction and that leads to many awkward situations. However, you always find your way around them.

Even if you have to guide him step by step (which is what you do in the end), you'll pull through. It's also worth it when you notice his face flush slowly but surely, and small flames lighting up all over him.

Enji is the giver due to his stubborn pride, but it's all good due to him packaging the girthiest cock you've ever taken.

The slow, painful and pleasurable burn of it makes you ache and clench with want over and over again until he's filled you to the brim. You've come more than once before Enji has managed to push in completely, but that just boosts his ego.

It's clear that he's pretty much a virgin when it comes to touching men this way and that fact gets highlighted by his egotistical thoughts.

Meaning, Enji only thought of getting himself off the first times you slept together.

The first few times were awkward and embarrassing for both of you because you can't fake an orgasm and he gets reminded of just how selfish he can be.

However, Enji learns his way around your body quickly - knowing where your sweet spots are located and how he can make you melt into his embrace.

Guiding him isn't an easy task, but everything goes smoothly when Enji discovers just how much he loves to make you come by his mouth, fingers, voice and cock - it definitely adds to his possessive streak.

Now Enji is the embodiment of a possessive lover (not that you mind it) and he loves to mark you up. Your entire body has his bite marks, bruises and hickeys scattered all over in various shades and sizes.

With your neck being one of your sensitive areas, it's pretty much an open invitation for your boyfriend to stake his claim.

He can and will bite your jaw, ears, hands and fingers just to make sure you can't cover it up. Not to mention your neck has turned into his canvas and there's always a dozen marks too high up for your turtle neck to hide.

You adore his huge, warm and calloused hands, especially in those moments when his thick fingers are pressing hand-shaped bruised on your thighs, hips, waist and on your ass. Enji loves to spank you until your cheeks are radiating warmth and you can't help but to arch and relish into the stinging pleasurable pain.

His warm hands never fail to make you feel same and home, but you wish the crimson-haired hero could wrap them around your pretty throat and squeeze down. At first, he is extremely against it and very uncertain. He doubts himself a lot and now that he has you in his embrace he's not letting you go. So, Enji flat out refuses to use his hands on you if it doesn't bring you pleasure.

No one can tell you that he hasn't changed at all, especially when he's exceptionally sweet towards you.

Your coy side can't help but turn the situation dirty again, but not before gently kissing his facial scar and mutter a quiet 'I love you'.

When you lock eyes with Endeavor, he raises an eyebrow in slight surprise as you guide one of his warm fingers into your mouth and starts sucking on it.

To say he was onboard with choking you from that moment is an understatement.

A continuation of your choking kink is getting your bulky boyfriend to face-fuck you. His dick is large in both girth and length, but the best feeling is no doubt your lips stretching over his hot girth until your jaw aches.

Having a higher body temperature as a side effect from his quirk, you always have to stifle a little laugh whenever you take his twitching cock into your mouth. It's warm, and even hotter when it's erect.

Even Enji's semen feels warmer and the best feeling is him filling you to the brim with his hot cum.

Because of his pride and utter need to dominate, it's no surprise that he enjoys being called daddy in bed, not to mention your age gaps makes it way hotter. Just by a low whimper of the said word makes him lose all of his restraints and slam his thick cock into you over and over again until there's nothing but the sound of slapping skin, his low grunts and your desperate mewls.

Another thing he has discovered or rather learned from you is how much he loves to pleasure you. If he can make you cum with only his fingers, tongue or cock, he can't stop secretly gloating about it for days.

Rimming is one of Enji's favourites and he can spend hours eating your swollen, slick and twitching rim until you're nothing but a blubbering, sobbing and moaning mess. Sitting on his face as he licks, sucks and gently nibbles on your tight ring never fails to make you shout, and it's even better when you feel the burn of his scratchy beard on your sensitive skin.

Neither of you has one specific favourite position, however, you do love the feeling of him pounding you into the mattress doggy style, and he loves watching your face as you ride him the best you can before he pins you down.

Shower sex is also a huge hit. It always turns steamy (literally too) and Enji manhandling you is something you can't enough of. Whenever he picks you up with ease and presses you against the bathroom wall, your insides feel extra tingly and giddy.

Enji learns to love being intimate with you, but he's honestly just over the moon for you giving him a second chance.

I've been extra soft and horny for this bara man all week, sue me. I might do a part 2. ALSO i'm not that much into bnha, i'm only soft for enji and vlad. This is also posted on my tumblr

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