Haikyuu Imagines 2 - Halloween edition (Seme!Male!Reader)

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Imagine going trick and treating with Tsukishima. He tries to pull the mature card by constantly telling you that it's childish and that you're way too old for doing so. However, Tsukishima's moods and embarrassed moments have never really been an issue for you to handle and so you just brush him off by telling him to go home if he really feels out of place. This makes him shut up pretty quickly even though he grumbles under his breath for a while. When the night comes to an end, you can tell that your boyfriend is in a considerably better mood and the rest of the night is spent sitting in his bed exchanging chocolate flavoured kisses.

Imagine attending a Halloween party with Akaashi. You manage to talk him into wearing matching costumes and you end up dressing as Jason Todd (Red Hood) and Akaashi as Dick Grayson (Nightwing). Throughout the party compliments never stops flying towards the two of you and especially towards you. Akaashi notices this and laces his hand in yours rather tightly. Though his expression is calm and stoic like always, you can feel his nervousness radiating from where his body is pressed into your own in a clingy and possessive way. Instead of commenting on it, you lean down and press a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth as well as squeezing his clammy hand in a gentle way. After that, your boyfriend seems less nervous than before and you have the best time together.

Imagine Kageyama getting a cold on Halloween due to the awful autumn weather. He seems really bummed out that he can't join you trick or treating nor attend the volleyball club's party. You, on the other hand, cancel all of your plans so you can stay with him and care for him like a good boyfriend. Even if you didn't see him dressed as the cutest vampire ever, it doesn't beat cuddling with him under heavy duvet covers sheltering the two of you from the howling wind outside.

Imagine dressing up as vampire boyfriends with your beloved Oikawa. You are both wearing matching capes and fake fangs, not to mention lots of fake blood after a tiny war involving said red liquid. However, Oikawa looks so cute and ravishing with his classy Victorian clothes and fake fangs, that you really can't help yourself to take a bite of him, literally. You end up arriving an hour late at the party much to Iwaizumi's annoyance, sporting matching hickeys all over your necks.

Imagine being a werewolf and wanting Ushijima as your mate. It's not an easy process seeing as the two of you are both Alphas and Alpha couples are incredibly rare. Despite the facts and statistics, Ushijima doesn't seem to reject your advances and courting, which makes you the happiest werewolf ever. After a little while, he starts to court you too in his own awkwardly cute way. Ushijima is tall, dark and handsome and probably has received far more courting offers than you, but he is delightfully incredible inexperienced. This makes your inner alpha purr, both by his attempts and the fact that he's a virgin.

Imagine being a vampire and having taken Daichi as your mate after decades of being alone. You decide to take things slow, to see if Daichi is fitted to deal with every consequence of you being a vampire. He takes everything in consideration and process everything slowly, trying to get accustomed with his boyfriend being everything but human. You love the fact that he's the sweetest and most considerate partner you've ever had. After that part being overcome, it doesn't take long before your relationship escalates into something more. Daichi has the most sensitive neck and every time you feed from him, it ends up with you fucking him hard into the wall while leaving more hickeys than he has allowed you to.

Imagine Nishinoya being in heat. Your omega usually has a lot of energy to spare at the most unfitting times and this couldn't get worse. Your rut has just been and seeing as you and Yuu are newly mated, your mating cycles haven't synced yet. After knotting him two times from behind while making the mating mark in the back of his nape considerably bigger, and fucking him nice and slow missionary, you are ready to take a good nap. Nishinoya, on the other hand, isn't fully as sated as you and whines in discomfort as he feels your cock being pulled out from his swollen rim. Cum gushes out in thick amounts, trickling down his thighs making them sticky. "[Name]," A sultry moan of your name rolls off his tongue and if it hadn't been for you being out of stamina, you're one hundred per cent sure that your dick would have twitched. Another sexual moan emits from your omega and you open your eyes just in time to see him pushing two fingers inside his swollen hole causing more semen to drip out. He doesn't need preparations nor stretching at all, he just wants to be a tease. You growl lowly in your throat when you see him lick his cum coated fingers in a seductive manner. Your omega is sure begging for a pounding tonight.

Imagine getting Iwaizumi to ride you on your couch. In the background, the TV is lit up by some random horror movie neither of you are focusing on at the moment. Instead of the exaggerated sounds swallowing up Iwaizumi's adorable moans, whines, hitches and yelps, it's the other way around. You can't get enough of his pleasure filled voice and the incredible sight of his flushed and sweaty skin twitch every time he manages to hit his prostate. His powerful thighs are working like you have never seen before and you can't help but grip them harder every time you feel your boyfriend's wet, warm walls clamp down on your thick cock.

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