One Piece Imagines (Seme!Male!Reader)

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Imagine sharing a smoke with Sanji. On the outside he's his usual calm and charming self, smiling at you whenever you manage to make a smoke ring, but on the inside, he's a bubbly mess overflowing with happiness and nervousness because the two of you are sharing an indirect kiss.

Imagine lazing around with Shanks in bed an entire day. It's peaceful and relaxing having his smaller form in your arms, feeling the warmth of his body against yours and his red trademark hair tickling against the nape of your neck as he nuzzles closer to you in his sleep.

Imagine dating Luffy and when he brings you over to his place to meet his older brothers, they practically interrogate you. Despite how much Sabo frowns at you and the stink eye Ace sends in your direction, you laugh and assure them that you take a bullet for your adorable boyfriend and that you love him more than he loves food. This statement makes them both break out in a laughing fit and Luffy whines at you, blushing furiously but grinning so hard from your words which makes his cheeks ache.

Imagine taking Zoro's hand when the crew and you arrive on a new island. The others tease him with the fact that you're his babysitter – preventing him from getting lost, but instead of exploding and yelling at Sanji, he just ignores them since he knows you are holding his hand for a completely different reason.

Imagine watching the stars with Ace late at night. He is leaning into your body and you have one hand wrapped around him in a loving embrace as you point out constellations on the night sky.

Imagine wrestling playfully with Luffy. It starts with him having the upper hand until you suddenly pin him underneath your bigger and taller frame. He struggles and even tries to bite and lick you just to get you to let go of him. What your captain doesn't want to admit, is that you are being so close to him in every possible way gets him hot and bothered, especially when you're breathing quite heavily after the wrestling and your flushed face is centimetres away from his own. You notice how his eyes are glancing at your parted lips every now and then which makes you smirk. You never thought Luffy felt the same as you and the fact that he's squirming rather uncomfortably underneath you which causes his growing bulge to rub against your thigh is more than enough evidence. This makes you rub your leg between his', adding more pressure to his hard member which makes him moan out loud. "[Male Name]," Luffy rarely stutters, but you love how he moans out your name in a slight stutter as a flush grows in his cheeks. "Yes?" You purr, stopping yourself from shredding off his clothes and ravish him there and then. "Stop-," His sentence gets interrupted by himself moaning even louder as you rub harder against him. "Hmm? What was that?" You ask, not being able to stop teasing him and edging him over and over again until he cums in his pants.

Imagine littering Zoro's pecks with kisses, nibbles, bites and hickeys. The green-haired swordsman always uses revealing shirts and clothing and because of his impressive fit form and attractive face he gets a lot of looks even if he's completely unaware of it himself. However, you're not. You have seen and still, see both males and females sending him longing glances and after one particular incident involving a rather 'brave' man who couldn't keep his hands off your boyfriend, your possessive streak just had enough. As you mark his chest with blue and purple love bites, Zoro is a panting mess underneath you. He has no idea why you suddenly decided to pounce at him out of the blue only to behave like some hungry beast, but he is enjoying every second of it. Though he won't admit it, he loves how possessive you get over him.

Imagine fucking Law against the wall. Intended as a quickie hidden in some corner of his submarine, you start at a brutal pace not letting Law get the chance to catch his breath before you pound into him with no mercy. However, you slow down some when you see Law struggle some, but also to fully enjoy the lovely expressions he makes as you hit his prostate over and over again until he orgasms, coating both of your stomachs in his thick and salty semen.

Imagine 'rewarding' Bartolomeo for being such a good fanboy. It's not like you exploit him in any way seeing as you notice his hungry stare early on, but you're also attracted to his punkish looks and his feelings are honestly adorable. "Mind the teeth, Barto baby," you chuckle out a bit heavy breathed as you look down on his kneeling form between your legs. You know he's eager and that it's the first time he has sucked cock, but his sharp sabretooth-like teeth aren't just for decoration. He's good though and even manages to deepthroat you at some point which is impressive. The combination of his warm and wet cavern along with Bartolomeo's flushed and tear streaked expression is enough to make you cum hard down his throat.

Imagine Ace wanting to ride your thick cock. At first, he is staring down at you with his usual teasing grin, acting all cocky and dominant straddling your lap before he sinks down on your hard member. Then his entire demeanour changes. His smirk has faltered, and he is struggling to keep his fast pace. His tight hole is warm- warmer because of his devil fruit, and you groan with every bounce Ace makes The feeling of his walls clenching around you as he suddenly hits his sweet spot makes you grab his hips harshly before you flip the two of you over and fuck him into the mattress leaving him struggling to catch his breath with every thrust.

Imagine fucking Luffy hard and rough. Due to his devil fruit ability, he doesn't need preparations and he can handle a rough session without having to fear being torn. However, that's not the best part. Luffy's abilities are fun to experiment with, but your favourite thing will always be your lover's facial expressions and loud moans as you pound his tight pink hole over and over again. His walls fit perfectly around your dick and it's easy to find his sweet spot which makes him an incoherent mess, drooling, babbling and only forming your name as he yells out in pleasure as you grip his hips in a bruising grip and slam into his hips until the two of you hit climax.

This was requested (or the luffy ones were ) by @TonyTonyChoppah I hope you like them! 

Feel free to request if you want! Comments and faves are always loved <3


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