2p!Hetalia Imagines (Uke!Male!Reader)

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Imagine being utterly domestic with your boyfriend Matt. It’s not an unusual phenomenon for him to wake up and find you in the kitchen making him pancakes, but Matt always finds himself pleasantly surprised. Matt wraps his strong, warm and big arms around your (size) waist as always while smothering your neck with small peck and kisses. It’s impossible not to lean into his touch and you can’t help but to let out a couple of breathy gasps and yelps as his kisses turn into nips and bites, adding more colour to the dark marks from the night before. Matt won’t admit it, but he is a huge softie when it comes to you. The domestic lifestyle has grown on him after all.

Imagine making out heatedly with Allen. He is pressing your tiny frame against the lockers in the abandoned hallway and squeezing your hips in a bruising grip preventing you from breaking away from his addicting and breath-taking kisses. He made you skip class with him again with a promise of ‘making up’ for it after school. Of course, being the impatient horny fucker Allen is, he couldn’t wait until you were home in his room. What you refuse to say, however, is the fact that the thrill of getting caught in such inappropriate position turns you on.

Imagine François serving you liquor and you being 18 years old. He knows it’s obviously wrong, but he can’t get enough of your flushed expression and hazy yet seductive eyes. The main purpose is not to get you shitfaced, but he’s just curious about what type of drunk you are. It turns out you are the more honest and talkative one, but he doesn’t mind one bit seeing as you are more of an introvert in your sober state. The thing that actually surprises François however, is you suddenly placing yourself in his lap and giving him a look that screams anything but innocent. The Frenchman has heard tales of your drunken state by both Allen and Matt before, which is why he wanted to experience it first-hand, but they never mentioned anything about you being so sensual and alluring. Though he knows it’s wrong to serve you alcohol and take advantage of your intoxicated state, he doesn’t complain nor protest when you press your lips against his in a messy and hard kiss.

Imagine Kuro tattooing you and finding it oddly pleasurable and satisfying because he is leaving a permanent mark on your body. He thinks of it as ownership and it pleases him that his little kitty now finally belongs to him entirely.

Imagine Luciano introducing you to knife play and your masochistic side is loving it. By the end of the night, he has carved his name into your lower back and it gives him a thrill tracing the scars weeks afterward.

Imagine spending an entire day shopping with Flavio. He is just running around in the different stores you visit trying to find amazing outfits for his ‘little darling’. It’s flattering having your designer boyfriend find perfect clothes for you, so you don’t think much over it when he joins you in the changing room. You don’t really mind him being there seeing as he has seen you naked before, but you can’t help but to blush at every comment and compliment he flings at you as his hungry eyes trail over your exposed skin.

Imagine Matt bringing you to a hockey game. His team is playing and as his boyfriend, it is almost your duty to be his moral support through the game. It sends shivers down your spine watching him play the rather violent sport. They win of course, and it’s no surprise when Matt brings you in bruising and passionate victory kiss. His entire body is buzzing with adrenaline, arousal and excitement and his mood rub off on you as he is embracing you and spinning the two of you around in some sort of victory dance. However, instead of joining the afterparty, he just grabs your wrist in a bruising and dominant grip- dragging you off to the empty locker-room for a quick fuck. It’s sweaty, animalistic and oh so passionate as Matt fucks you into the lockers, the cold metal digging into your back as his hips slam into your own over and over again until you’re a slobbering mess who’s only able to whine and moan out his name.

Imagine having a huge fight with Allen. He is absolutely furious, slamming his fists into the walls repeatedly while yelling insults at you. There is no particular reason for his anger and the fight itself as usual, but Allen has a short temper and somewhat anger issues let everything go every once in a while. Despite being violent and uncontrollable whenever Allen gets out of hand, he has never hit you. Your boyfriend is known for being a potty-mouth and having violent tendencies even when he’s in a good mood, so if you can’t handle a few insults your relationship wouldn’t have lasted a day. As usual, when the fight hits its climax, Allen drags you off to his bedroom where the two of you have the best steamy angry sex until the both of you cools down.

Imagine finding Lutz secret stash of BDSM gear. Instead of being embarrassed by it when you confront him about it, he smirks the usual shit-eating smirk of his and tells you flat out that he hid it because he thought you can’t handle that type of treatment. This ticks you off in the wrong way and without a second thought you tell him right away to ‘bring it on!’  The thing you don’t notice is the pleased smile Lutz sends in your direction as if he had planned for you to find the box in the first place.

Imagine being the infamous Italian mafia boss Luciano’s pet. He had a custom collar made for you made from the most expensive leather with the words ‘Luciano Vargas’ property’ engraved. Being the cocky man he is, he loves to show off his belongings and position whenever he can, meaning you spend a good amount of time in his office seated in his lap during meetings and such. Luciano is also an extremely possessive man and he isn’t afraid to display his ownership over you whenever he notices wandering eyes from his underlings.

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