Chapter 3

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Michael's p.o.v

"So did you say it to her"

"No I didn't Ash it's not that simple to come out with you can't just say oh hey Sadhbh by the way I thought you might like to know that I remember who my childhood crush was yeah well it was you remember the crazy kid from kindergarten yeah that was me and I like you a lot"

"Michael your over thinking the situation"

"Lads seriously stop I'm not going to tell her okay she doesn't need to know if she doesn't remember me then perfect that works and of she remembers the day I walked up to her in kindergarten and told her I had a crush on her then kissed her cheek well perfect that works to but for the love of god stop trying to get me to tell her I want to get to know her not have you lot run her away"

"Breath Michael"

Luke walks into the room holding a photo album

"Hey Mike your mom dropped this off when you were on your date"

He hands Mike the photo album

"Why is my mom giving me a load of pictures from when I was in kindergarten to senior year of high school"

"Let's have a look"

The lads sit around the book and look at the pictures one in particular catches their eyes it was of Mike with a little girl in kindergarten he was holding her hand and smiling as if he had everything he ever needed

"Is that Sadhbh"

"Yeah it is"

Michael smirks

"She hasn't changed she's still as shy cute and innocent as the day I first met her"

"Aww how did you to meet"

"Sadhbh was really shy so she wouldn't socialize at play time she just played by herself, when I seen her all alone I went up to her and sat down in front of her and introduced myself she smiled and said hi she was so cute we played together everyday and we also had play dates my mom always thought that we would be friends because we were inseparable but then just before high school started she pulled away and shut herself out from the world. After that we never talked again she avoided me like I was the plague she made sure she never ran into me in highschool I was hurt by that because she meant a lot to me and then she just disappeared out of my life. I wrote her a letter but I never gave it to her because I could never find her I tried going to her house but she was never there when I went her parents always said you can come in and wait but I said I'll come back another time and before I knew it we started the band and then got famous"

"Wow that sounds like some epic tragic love story"

"Maybe I'm wrong to try and push my way back into her life what if she doesn't remember me and when she does she disappears out of my life again"

"Michael something obviously happened the summer before high school that hurt her bad enough to push friends away. I doubt that she will do that again and if she does it just wasn't meant to be"

Michael picks up the photo album and heads to his room and puts it on his desk then goes back out to the boys

"I don't want to lose her again she is great fun to hang out with I don't want to lose that"

"Well Michael you are going to have to tell her at some point and preferably before someone else beats you to it"

"You should have seen they way she looked at me when I said I was hoping for someone in particular to get picked she looked so broken like she felt guilty for ruining it on me and before I could say it was her she said she had to go that her lift was outside"

"Mike I think she does remember you in a way"

"What do you mean"

"Ugh man you are seriously blind you can't see how it showed that she cared for you"

"So what you are saying is she might not remember me but her emotions do"

"Well uh yeah I guess so"

"Well that explains the look and the quick exit"

"Michael I know you don't want to hear this but you have to tell her even if telling her means losing her she needs to know the truth"

Michael flops onto the couch and puts his head in his hands. Ashton sits beside him

"Hey man it'll be okay there is an even chance for the outcome so don't worry what's supposed to happen will happen"

"Ashton I know you are trying to help but man it hurt like hell when I lost her she was like a best friend to me she was there all the time then one day she was gone and I don't know why I never found out why she disappeared like I don't know what happened to make her isolate herself from everyone she was bubbly and fun everyone who knew her was worried because after that day she never smiled or talked to anyone anymore she sank into herself she was rarely at home she hid away from everyone even her family she slowly faded away from everything last time I heard about her she finished her degree and got an amazing job and was getting her life back on track and ever since I've had the same thought haunt me as to what caused her to avoid human interaction for years so Ash yeah losing her again isn't an ideal scenario"

"Mike I had no idea that Sadhbh meant that much to you"

"She was my best friend and I lost her and there was nothing I could do to help her"

"Mike tell her I think it will end good"

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