Chapter 15

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Sadhbh's POV

Ashton and Sadhbh laughed at Michael's reaction. The three continued to talk and laugh till the doctor walked in.

"Good evening Sadhbh"

"Hi Dr. Brian"

"I've got some good and bad news for you"

"The good news first please"

"You're markers are down it's all looking good the treatment has worked it killed off the cancer"

"What's the bad news"

"I'm afraid that you are going to be leaving us once again Sadhbh, yet again you have fought and won and now it's time to go home"

"That's brilliant thank you for everything Dr. Brian"

"It was a pleasure Sadhbh I'll get you're discharge papers ready so you can get out of here and get home"

Dr. Brian leaves Sadhbh immediately calls her parents

"Hi Dad"

"What's wrong what did the doctor say"

"It's atcually good news I'm being discharged thanks to the team I've been cured"

"I'm on my way sweetheart me and you're mother will be there in five"

Before Sadhbh can say anything else he ends the call

"Well my parents are delighted and on their way"

Ashton pulls Sadhbh into a hug

"I knew you could do it"

"Thanks Ashton"

"That's my girlfriend she's a fighter"

Sadhbh's parents walk in

"Nice to see you to back together"

"Thanks Mom"

Michael quickly texts David

'Sadhbh has been discharged so she will most likely turn up to work tomorrow thought I'd give you a heads up'

David texts back

'Thanks for the heads up try and keep her away if you can'

Michael texts back

'Can't promise that it will work but I'll try'

"Let's get you home sweetheart"

"Yes please Dad, I miss my bed"

They all laugh apart from Sadhbh

"This isn't a laughing matter I'm serious"

"Alright let's get you home"

"Yay home time, although I'm going to miss the nurses​ and doctors"

"You'll see them when you come in for check ups"

They all walk out of the room Sadhbh heads to Dr. Brian

"Just sign here Sadhbh and then you are officially discharged"

She signs where he said to

"Thanks Dr. Brian"

"No problem"

They head out and Sadhbh goes with her parents

"Dad can we go home home"

"Sure thing sweetheart"

Sadhbh leans back into the seat and drifts off till she feels someone lift her out of the car


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