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Cover made by the awesome
-Veyaa- you should totally check out her cover shop! She's amazing!


Chapter 1

The she-wolf followed the scent of their prey ahead of the pack. Usually, she would have caught or cornered the prey by now, but today, there was another scent in the air. One that she never smelled before, and it was distracting her. She wanted to go check out the smell and see if it was anything dangerous, but then again, it was such a warm and sweet smelling scent that she doubt it was danger at all.

Finally she could see tracks of the raccoon her hunting pack was chasing. They were embedded in the moist dirt by the bank of a river. As she followed it further, she began to notice that there were other prints. They were wolf-like prints, but bigger. They were just like hers!

Ever since she could remember, she was always bigger than the other wolves her age. Even though she wondered why she was so different, her pack never made her feel that way. They were her family, yet sometimes she felt like she had a family somewhere else.

While she stood at the river bank thinking she did not notice a shadow hovering above her. It belonged to another wolf just as big as her, maybe even a little bigger. As the shadow grew, the scent that the she wolf smelled earlier that day also grew and took her by surprise. Even before she looked to see where the scent came from, she began to run back to her pack.

For once, the she-wolf felt like a prey. It as if one of those humans that lived near her pack's lair was chasing her. She whimpered when she felt something brush against her side. Whatever that was chasing her tackled her and they tumbled down a small hill.

The next thing she knew, she had tingles all over her body and then a kind of warmth that made her feel safe and secure. She would not have known anything else if it wasn't for the pack leader's nose by her face. The pack leader snorted and took a step back. The she-wolf got up and saw a naked male human.

"So? Aren't you going to turn?" The human said. The she-wolf cocked her head to one side.

"Oh! I- I mean. You don't have to." He blushed and looked away. "I mean if your not comfortable. We just met and all. Haha..."

He then turned back into his wolf and walked up to the she wolf. She wanted to take a step back, but the scent that came from the male were wolf made her stay. It was just so welcoming and wonderful. The she-wolf took a step closer. Then soon they were nuzzling each other and for a while, the she-wolf felt like she really belonged.

A low bark from the pack leader broke them apart. The she-wolf looked and saw the whole pack gathered around. To her, it felt like it was a farewell ceremony. she could tell in every wolves' eyes that it was time for her to go where she belonged. Where did she really belong anyways? But that question did not matter now. She just had to trust in her pack's decision. After rubbing noses with all her pack members she was ready to leave. Her pack howled as she turned away and started following the werewolf.

The werewolf led the she-wolf to the place that he had left his clothes. He turned back and put on his clothes. Then he asked her where she put her clothes, but she tilted her head to the side again. The werewolf smelled that the she-wolf was not from his pack, 'She couldn't be just a regular wolf could she?' Then he wondered if she was a rogue and just did not feel comfortable enough to turn to her human.

"Come on. If you're not comfortable turning, then I respect that, so just follow me." He smiled and beckoned to the she-wolf. "My name's Jace, by the way. You can tell me yours later."

It was a while before they emerged from the forest and into a small city-like place that Jace explained, was the pack. It consisted of a huge mansion, a hospital, and a few houses. The hospital was where the pack doctors stayed, the few houses were where some werewolves prefer to stay, and the mansion was where the Alpha and Beta's family lived. Of course many other werewolves were allowed to stay in the mansion too.

"This is considered the pack town. There is a human town not too far, and some werewolves stay there." he explained while leading the she-wolf to the mansion.

Werewolves stood watching in their human form. Some were sniffing the air in curiosity. Who was that wolf trailing behind Jace? The though that it was his mate came to mind, but were immediately brushed off to the side. Why would his mate be in her wolf form?

"Haha.. Not to intimidate you or anything, but I'm the upcoming Beta. My parents are on a trip right now to a neighboring pack along with the Alpha and Luna." Jace opened to door to the mansion and the she-wolf walked in cautiously.

It was like a mysterious labyrinth with corridors dimly lit everywhere and long steep stairs. The she-wolf got to sniffing and taking in the scent of everything out of curiosity as the male werewolf lead her up the stairs and down a corridor.

"My room is right here." Jace said opening a door.

The she-wolf could smell his scent from the room and understood that the space belonged to him. Jace left his door open and walked to the door next to it.

"I guess this can be your room for now. I get the feeling you don't feel comfortable turning to your human in front of others including me, so now that your my mate and all, you'll be around others all the time and this might be the only place you'll feel comfortable turning in." He opened the door and walked in.

The she wolf walked in after him. The room didn't have any significant smell, so she wondered if it belonged to anyone just like the first space had belonged to her mate. She walked further in to investigate when she heard the door click shut behind her.

Panic rushed through her body and she ran to the door. Where did he go? A whimper slowly developed in her throat. it came out low at first, then it got louder as there was no response from Jace. What was the meaning of this? Soon she was howling and scratching the door.

It seemed like forever to her, but in reality it was just three seconds. Jace quickly opened the door with a worried look on his face.

"What, are you keeping a stray dog in secret?" someone snorted from behind Jace.

Jace wasted no time turning and pushed the person up against the wall.

"Don't look down on my mate, Trip! She is not a dog."

"Sure about that?" Trip sniffed, "Sure smells like one to me."

"Shut your mouth right now!" Jace's knuckles turned white as he clutched Trip's collar.

"Make. Me." Trip chuckled as Jace loosened up his grip. "I knew you wouldn't do it."

Jace turned away and saw his mate standing halfway in and out of the room that was going to be hers. She looked at him and then Trip. Her stare bore into Trip as though she was looking into his soul.

"Are you ok?" Jace asked.

The she-wolf walked to him and rubbed against his leg. It made her feel at ease after watching the tension between Jace and Trip. Trip looked away and walked down the hall into his room. His door slammed shut, making the hall vibrate.

"So I guess you don't want to be alone right now, right?" Jace laughed. "Sorry, I guess I should have known."

The she-wolf followed Jace into his room and bathed in the safe and sweet scent of him.

"I'll go take a shower first. try to get used to the place." he smiled and went into the bathroom.

The she-wolf cocked her head. Everything was strange, but she knew that as long as she was near her mate, everything would be ok.


A/n My attempt at a werewolf story! Please comment and give me advice and or just comment. xD Anyway, remember to vote and follow! Thanks for reading!!

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