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"So this church thing is every day?" Jimmy asked as we walked out of school the next day. His hair seemed ever more vibrant that normal, if that was even possible. On anyone else, bright pink hair just wouldn't have worked for a guy their age. They would've no doubt got teased or at least called a fag, but it just matched Jimmy's erratic and crazy personality. No one even seemed to question it, not even the jock-type guys of the year or the semi-popular crowd. 

"Yep. Every fucking day. Right after school. Apparently it'll help me sort my attitude out" I gave a dry chuckle "We'll see about that." 

"That sucks. Is there any way you could bunk off something? Me and Steve are going round Oli's to play videogames and probably piss around, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come but I guess it's not possible." 

"Not today" i didn't add that I really did need to go that day as I felt I needed to clear the air with Gerard "But I don't have to go on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons, so maybe I could come along then?" 

"Sure" He nodded "As long as you can shake your uncle for a few hours then it should be great." 

"Oh don't worry, i'm not going to let him control my life. I'm only going to these church sessions for a bit anyway. Once he calms down a bit i'll start bunking off more. Maybe I can get Gerard to cover for me." 

"Gerard? You're on first names terms with this priest?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Yeah I guess so." 

"Oh, I thought you had to call them the father or something. They don't normally introduce themselves with their first name. Although I guess the church has probably changed since I last attended." 

"He's younger than normal" I shrugged "So I guess he dosen't really mind stuff like that. Anyway, I have to go. See you tomorrow" I was aware that I needed to get a move on, otherwise Gerard might not think I was going to show up. I did not want him phoning James or Isabel to ask where I was or if I was coming. 

"See ya" Jimmy called after me, before heading off in his own direction. I immediately shoved my headphones in and started to blast AFI, the sound of '17 Crimes' filling my ears as I walked at a steady pace. 

It didn't take me long to reach the church. Once again I closed the door behind me and stepped inside, wondering where Gerard was and exactly what I was going to say. It was only now that I was there that I actually wondered what I should say about yesterday. I hoped he'd bring it up first and set the record straight. 

"Hello? Gerard?" I called out, hitching my shoulder bag higher up as I made my way into the main part of the church. He wasn't there, and I heard a muffled call of my name from the direction of his office, so I headed up the stairs, my features breaking out into a grin when i stepped into the room. 

Gerard was standing there with two coffees in his hands and a apologetic smile on his features. 

"I didn't know if you were going to turn up" He held out the coffee "I hoped you would, and I got you a decent coffee too." I took it without saying anything and then had a long gulp before speaking. 

"I'm sorry I over reacted yesterday" I stated, hoping he'd leave it and just move on. I didn't want to go into what he'd said, as even though I knew it was nothing, it still upset me that he didn't have any faith in me either. 

"No I'm sorry, I was an asshole" He sighed "And I mean it when I say I didn't mean it. I was feeling bitter because what you said was true - I didn't give my dream a chance - and so I took it out on you instead of actually listening to what you were saying." 

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now