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Chapter Thirty

By the time Thursday rolled around, I was pining for the weekend. Ray still wasn't speaking to me, making my home environment especially toxic, to the point where I looked forward to sixth form simply so I could get out of the house. Gerard had been spending a few days with Mikey before his younger brother went back to Jersey, so I hadn't seen him since Monday. The only thing keeping me sane was the promise of proper time together on the weekend. 

I was walking through the town center with Lynz after college, both of us hauling our bags over our shoulders as we drank our takeaway milkshakes and bitched about her stepmother. The weather was actually pretty decent now that we were approaching summer, so we got away with just wearing our jackets. 

"I mean, i've finished washing the wall and she still bitches about it" Lynz carried on as we walked, letting out her anger "I just don't know what she even wants anymore. Except for me to move out, that is. At least my dad hasn't chucked me yet, even if he is still mad." 

"He''ll come to his senses eventually, he has to" I tried to comfort her, even though we both knew that I was just guessing. I didn't know her dad at all, and I only hoped that he possessed some of the intelligence his daughter had and chuckled Angela before she destroyed his and Lynz's relationship even further. 

"Let's hope so, huh?" She sighed, draining the last of her drink and chucking it onto a nearby bin "hey - you got your spray cans on you?" She had this artistic glint in her eye that i easily recognised, mainly because it was similar to the one I got when I was feeling creative. 

"When do I not?" I chuckled "why? You wanna do some tagging?" Technically I should've been heading for the church, but I wasn't exactly planning on turning up if Gerard wasn't going to be there. I'd much rather face Isabel whining at me than have to spend time with father Schetcher. Besides, he would probably be glad if I didn't turn up anyway. 

"Hell yes" She started to veer off towards the side alleyways that ran like spiderwebs around the main streets of the town center "let's avoid Angela's house this time though, yeah? I don't particularly want to see a police station again any time soon."

"In that case i've got the perfect place to tag" I gestured for her to follow me, the spray cans feeling heavy in my bag the more I thought about using them. 

I stepped back and admired my work with a grin. The two of us were currently tagging a once-bare wall around the back of the local cinema. Whilst Lynz was adding detail to her piece - a scene of a couple embracing, only for the woman to dig her claw-like fingers into hid back, I had already finished. 

My drawing was more simplistic than my normal style, this time entailing a young boy with wide eyes, multiple hands covering his mouth so that he couldn't spill any of the secrets he looked like he so desperately wanted to share. I knew that this boy was a representative of myself, and the way that as much as I wanted to shout from the rooftops about my relationship, I just couldn't tell a soul about it, not even when they cornered me like Ray had. 

 "Nice" Lynz remarks with a sideways glance as she finishes up her own piece "I'm going to need to practice more if I wan't to get as fast as you" She handed me the can back, watching me quickly stuff it away into my bag, wiping my hands messily on my jeans. 

"Come on, let's get of here" I grabbed her by the arm and tugged her back towards the alleyway we'd come down. We rushed down the narrow lane, laughing and grinning with the fresh adrenalin that came from tagging walls. We kept hurrying until we were a safe distance away, stopping when we came to a bench placed outside one of the various shops that littered the high street. 

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now