Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Gerard had told the church he was visiting a relative for the weekend, so we didn't have to rush back to church on Sunday. Ever since the incident when I punched James, he had backed off a bit, so I knew he probably wouldn't say anything if i didn't turn up to church for just one time. Even if he did ask i'd just tell him I overslept. He wouldn't be particularly happy, but he'd have to accept it. 

So me and Gerard had a pretty relaxed start. We slept in, and then once we had raided the room off all available free pens and mini soaps, we packed up our stuff. Of course, neither of us wanted to leave, and we both made this pretty clear with how slowly we packed up, but we both knew that people would only get suspicious if we stayed more than one night. 

"One day, huh?" he sighed when he saw the look on my face, slipping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah" I smiled up at him "I know." For once I didn't doubt that we could actually have a shot of being together in the long run. Now that we'd exchanged the three confirming words, I felt like our relationship was woven into something far stronger than the messy affair it had been when we first turned up at that hotel. 

"And in the meantime we'll just be careful, wait it out until our time eventually comes" He let go of me to pick up his bag, but not before kissing me briefly "it'll all work out eventually, you'll see." Of course, he didn't mention all the trials and troubles we'd have to face in the process before we could finally reach our happy place, but I think we were both more than aware that they were on the horizon, and approaching fast. 

I got a surprise when I got home. And for once, it wasn't a bad one.

I was unpacking my bag in my room, feeling kind of down because Gerard was gone and once again I was alone in the hellhole that was my aunt and uncle's house, the hotel now nothing but a memory to me. I was so busy throwing my clothes back into their drawers that I didn't notice Ray at the door at first. 

"Oh" I stopped abruptly, a sock in my hand "hey." 

"Hey" he sighed "Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." 

"Oh it's fine, you didn't, and even if you did, I wouldn't mind you know" I started to ramble, desperate for any chance to make Ray feel somewhat forgiving towards me. I'd missed our friendship, especially as he was the only family member I had who I actually liked. And even then it was sometimes questionable as to wether he could stand me. 

"Look, Frank" he leant in the doorway "I'm not staying I forgive you, or that I still don't want an explanation, because trust me the only way you're fully getting back into my good books is if you tell me exactly what your deal is recently..." 

"But?" I prompted, eyes going wide in hope. 

"But I hate not speaking to you. The silent treatment just makes me feel like we're bickering eleven year olds, and as much as my dad would hate to hear me say it, I care about you. I don't want to push you away like everyone else seems to be doing." 

"Really? So we're speaking again?" I dropped the sock on the ground, not caring about it anymore. 

"Yeah" He chuckled at my wide-eyed expression "I know whatever's going on must be kind of complex if you haven't told me by now, so i'll trust that you just need more time before you can come clean to me." 

"It really is just a matter of time and then I promise i'll tell you everything" I found myself admitting "seriously Ray." 

"It's ok, I believe you" I pulled him in for a hug then, over the moon at the chance of having him back as a friend. The last week had been utter crap without him speaking to me, and it felt like one hurdle down to have sorted out the issues between us. 

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now