Twenty Two

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Song on the side: Chemical Kids And Mechanical Brides by Pierce The Veil 

Chapter Twenty Two

We just about made it to church in time on Sunday. Mainly because I had gotten up late and then Ray had spent about twenty minutes attempting to tame his hair, which had chosen that day to go completely wild. Needless to say, James and Isabel had been panicking and chasing us around the house in an effort to herd us both out of the door. 

That's how we ended up all getting seats right near the back. I slouched down in my chair, much to Isabel's annoyance, and watched as everyone settled down and Gerard started to talk. His eyes travelled along the rows until he finally spotted me, and he smirked a little to himself as he glanced back down at the book in front of him. I could just about see Mikey sitting on the front row, and every now and again he would turn around, looking kind of bored. I guessed he was there to support Gerard more than anything else. 

"So as most of you know, Father Schetcher will be back tomorrow from Australia...." Gerard started to talk about trivial matters that didn't interest me, so I zoned out again. I cursed this Brian guy for coming back early. Because of him Gerard had been busy all of yesterday and had told me he would still be busy right up until Tuesday. Even then, I had to come to the church and help out with Brain around, meaning unless I could magic up an excuse for me and Gerard to have some time alone, I was stuck pretending that there was nothing going on between us. 

At the end of the service everyone started to mill around and made idle chit-chat that bored me half to death. Gerard had fucked off somewhere, probably to go get a coffee knowing him, so i was stuck standing with my family and wishing I could be upstairs with him instead. 

Luckily Gerard walked back in after about five minutes, Mikey at his side and sure enough, both had a cup of coffee in their hands. 

"Father Way" before I knew what was happening James had grabbed me by the arm and was beckoning for Gerard to come over. At first Gerard pretended not to hear, instead continuing to talk to Mikey, but then James just ended up dragging me over to them anyway. 

"Get off me" I grunted, yanking myself out of his grip. Of course, by then it was too late and Gerard could no longer ignore us without being totally rude. He reluctantly turned around, glancing briefly between Mikey and me before his gaze settled on James. 

"Hey" He chirped as if nothing was wrong "Everything okay?" 

"That's what I wanted to ask you" James cracked a smile and Gerard matched it with a somewhat fake one. James then turned to Mikey, who kept sneaking glances over at me. "Hello, I don't believe we've met. My name's James Toro." 

"Oh i'm Gerard younger brother, Mikey" Mikey shook his hand very briefly. 

"You wanted to ask me something?" Gerard interjected before James could get around to introducing me. He was tapping the side of his cup with his index finger at a fast pace, but apart from that he didn't looked at all stressed. I however, bit my lip and hoped Mikey wouldn't listen to carefully to whatever my uncle had to say. 

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to check that Frank here was behaving himself on his duties here after college" He gestured vaguely towards me before turning to Mikey "My nephew here dosen't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to behaviour and crime, so you're brother has very kindly agreed to keep an eye on him here on weekdays." 

"Oh, i didn't realise you two were related" Mikey tried to smile through his shock.

"Unfortunately" I grumbled, earning myself a glare.

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now