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That afternoon I found myself getting fucked by a priest. I wish I could say I found this in any way surprising, but to be honest this was now a normal thing to me (not that it meant I enjoyed it any less though.)

"Fuck" I groaned as he slammed into me again, hands gripping my hair with such a strong force I worried he'd rip some out in a minute. I couldn't really talk though, not with the way I was holding onto his thighs. I'd be surprised if they didn't bruise afterwards, especially when I dug my nails into his pale flesh, feeling his pulse racing faster and faster with each movement our bodies made against one another.

"So.. So close I..." He trailed off, losing his train of though as the pressure started to build inside him to a blinding level.

I'd developed a bit of an addiction for letting Gerard dominate me recently. There were these moments where he made me call him father that I lived for, especially when he wore the collar and played rough. I guess there were kinky depths to my personality that were only now being fully awakened, as even the idea of this would get me hard in moments. Of course, I didn't need to imagine right at that moment as it was happening right before me.

"Gee-" I gaped, reaching out and grabbing onto one of the pillows on his bed. I needed something, anything, to truly rip into with my nails, and I certainly didn't want to hurt him.

I just hope the pillow hadn't been expensive.

"So tight I-" he finally released into me with moans and groans that made me come all over myself without a care in the world. I couldn't help it when he insisted on yelling out like that - especially when he was sweaty enough that his black hair stuck to his face with a glistening shine, lips parted and eyes dark.

He just looked down at our entangled bodies, having pulled out by this point, and leaned over to chuck the condom in the bin.

"Here" he handed me some tissues and took a few for himself, and together we started to wipe ourselves of any remaining fluids. "You can use the shower in a minute if you like."

"Sure" I nodded, breath slowly returning to it's normal pace. I was still floating in that limbo of ecstasy though, where the only thing that mattered was me and Gerard, and anything else either didn't exist or was seen through rose-tinted vision. I just wished I could always feel that great, but it was a feeling only ever achieved at moments like that, when his arm was loosely draped over me in a casual manner. The way he looked over at me was enough to sustain my high, especially when he moved closer to me, pulling our bodies together in a resting position. 

 Honestly, i don't think any drugs could ever come close to the emotions he made me experience. Or perhaps he was just my sort of drug. Hopefully not  quite as lethal though. He was certainly a secret though, an addiction i didn't need anyone to find out about just yet. 

Luckily for me i was pretty sure a rehab for teenagers was a priest kink wasn't a thing, or I knew James and Isabel would be packing my bags for me the moment they found out. And I wasn't stupid, I knew they would eventually, when the time was right. 

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, taking in my dazed expression. 

"The future I guess" I sighed "For us, that is." 

"And why are you troubling yourself over that?" he raised an eyebrow "there really is no use in worrying over ifs and maybes you know." 

"Yeah, I get that. I was just thinking about what we're going to do when we have to tell my aunt and uncle. I mean, when are where would we even start? How would we even begin to explain something like this without one of them having a minor stroke?" 

Devil's Work (Frerard / Priest!Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now