Chapter Twenty Four

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"Ugh," I crumple up yet another piece of paper and toss it to the side.

A few days have passed since Kai had left to go back to Mystic Falls to merge with his sister. In those days, I've written letter after letter. After each one I wrote I realized that wasn't what I wanted to say and I would throw it away.

I was trying to write a letter to Kai, but I just couldn't seem to find the right words to write down. Soon, there was a growing pile of crumpled up paper in the floor. I let out a sigh and rest my head in my hand.

I stand up and it's only then that I realize how dark it is in my room. Just the lamp on the desk lights the room, casting an orange glow across the room. What do I even want to write to him?

I walk over to the window that is in the bedroom. Opening it up, I sit back down at the desk. I am hoping that the fresh air will help me think. I pick up the pencil and hit it against the desk as I think about what to write. Maybe I should tell him about a yet another failed attempt to get my magic back.

It was early in the morning when Freya came running into my room. "Angelyn, you have to get up. I think I found a spell!" She pulled the blankets off of me as she yelled.

The sun was shining in through the window as I opened my eyes. I stared at her, "Have you been up all night?" I sit up in the bed and rub my eyes.

"Yeah, I wanted to help you. And it would be nice to have another witch in the family." She admits. I lay back down on the bed and stare up at the ceiling, not wanting to get up. "No, don't go back to sleep. We have to do this spell."

I let out a groan as I sit back up, "Why do we have to do the spell so early?" I ask her as I look over at the clock that is beside my bed. Six in the morning. "I hate mornings."

"No complaining. You asked me to help you so I'm going to help you." She turns on the light and I shut my eyes. "Get dressed, I'll be downstairs." She says and then walks out.

Letting out a sigh I quickly get dressed and make my way down the stairs to meet Freya dressed and ready to go. "So," I walk into the living room where she was sitting waiting for me. "what spell did you find."

She turns her head towards me and smiles, "I don't exactly know," She says and I start to feel the hope inside of me diminish. "but it said that it could give a person magic." Freya continues. I have a feeling that this isn't going to work but I nod.

She did the spell and it worked. At least it worked for an hour or so, and then the magic vanished as if it were never there.

Just as I write the first word there is a noise downstairs. I stop in my tracks and look to the door. They told me that they wouldn't be home until morning. Perhaps they just came home early.

I sit there in the dark, with the lamp being the only light, for a few minutes listening for the noise again. When I hear it again, it is closer, as if it is coming up the stairs. I quickly turn off the lamp and grab a stake that I place underneath the top of the desk.

Clutching the stake in my right hand I stand up and proceed to the door. When I reach it, I stand there for a moment, my heart racing with anticipation. Cracking open the door, I peek out. The hallway is dark, it's moments like this where I wish I was already a vampire. They always seem to be able to see in the dark. Well, I guess that makes sense. They have to live in the dark unless they have a daylight ring.

Once I gather up enough courage I step into the hallway and look around. The windows are the only source of light, as they let the moon shine through. I cautiously make my way to the top of the stairs and look down into the darkness of the bottom floor.

I step into the first step when I hear the noise again. It came from down there, "Hello?" I call out suddenly not feeling afraid anymore. I take in a breath before I walk down the rest of the steps. When I reach the bottom I call out again.

The noise now starts to sound like someone is walking towards me. I look around ready for an attack. "Hello, Angelyn." A voice that I have never heard says.

I stare into the dark silhouette of the person standing before me. I see their emerald green eyes through the dark, as if they glowed, maybe they did. "Who are you," I ask the mysterious person with a voice that showed I was not afraid.

The person lifts up their arm, and the light suddenly appears. Fire forms in his hands, "Witch to some, devil to others." He answers. He takes a step back and throws the fire into the fireplace and the room lights up.

"What do you want?" I ask and I cross my arms over my chest and lean my weight onto my left leg. I wasn't going to show this man and I am slightly scared of him.

I see him smile and I could tell there was going to be a catch to whatever it is that he has to offer. "I'm actually here to help you save Kai." I look at him for a moment before he speaks again. "There's a reason he hasn't been writing you back. He trapped in another prison world."

"What?" I ask in disbelief. Why should I trust this man? He's right though, Kai hasn't been writing back or returning phone calls. A voice inside my head says and I start to panic. "You said you wanted to help, how can you?"

He gives me a wicked smile, "That's where you come in."

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