Thrown Away

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She heard yelling in the living room.
A young girl, age 12, by the name of Peggy was resting in her room. The bright sunshine of daylight filled her eyes. She knew an argument was going on, but she didn't pay much attention to it. However, she got very uneasy when she listened to the loud footsteps coming down the hall to her room. To her relief, the person that opened the door happened to be her brother, Whizzer. She was about to say a sassy remark until she saw the worried look on brother's face.

"Get your clothes and all the other shit you want in a bag, we're leaving."

"Wha-" she was cut off by more loud footsteps. Whizzer quickly locked the door and pressed his body against it.

"Open the door, faggot!" A voice yelled. They both knew was their father's.

"Honey, please," Another voice said. Their mother. However, that was all Peggy could be bothered to make out of the conversation as her brother mouthed the word "go" after they both looked at each other in shock and anger. You see, the pair of siblings had a secret. One was gay, the other bi. Peggy assumed Whizzer had just come out to their parents as gay, but her father didn't take it so well.

Back to what's she is doing opposed to what she is thinking. Peggy sprinted to her closet, grabbing the biggest bag she could find, and stuffed all her that she wanted stuff into it. She found a necklace her mother and father gave her. She smashed it with an old weight she had, then placed the remains in her hand and moved it to the middle of the room for her family to see. She nodded to Whizzer, and they went out her bedroom window of the one-story house.

Now they were all alone on the streets, a boy with a plan and a girl without a clue what to do.

Love had been thrown away.
He heard yelling in the kitchen.
A young boy, age 10, by the name of Jason sat on the family room sofa, curled into a ball. The sounds of malice and hatred filled his ears, but he couldn't move. He was afraid that if he tried to stop the fight, or even came an inch closer to them, the sounds would become even worse. However, when the cacophony got louder, he had to step in, but subtly.

"Hey, Mom, I-" he spoke, trying to distract his mom and get her away from his dad. He had been cut off by more screaming of how "this isn't good for Jason" and "think about what he's hearing" and "it's all your fault". He heard it until he couldn't bare it anymore. He stood on the counter, making himself taller, and shouted. He shouted until his lungs had no more air. He made himself dizzy with how loud he was.


Silence filled the room.

Still on the counter, Jason continued.

"Geez, just shut up for once and be happy with what you have. Seriously, do you guys ever not fight?"

Silence again.

Jason, now with a broken look in his eye, still continued.

"I thought so. Well, whatever, just—can't you guys just apologize and stop fighting at least for the night?"

Silence once again.

Jason saw the way his father glared at his mother, a cold stare. Jason knew that he would never say sorry, not in a million years. He wondered why they were even married, why they even gave him life. Marvin and Trina, worst couple and even worse parents.

"Right" was all he could muster before he jumped off the counter and angrily ran to his room, where he sobbed into his pillow.

Why did they have me? Why are they together? Why, why, why? Why am I even alive?

He fell asleep while questioning his parents' choices.

Love had been thrown away.

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