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A hatred, only thorns, that had blossomed into something more, a rose. Love and trust.
Jason only got a wink of sleep that night. His thoughts refused to calm down, and even when he wore his brain out enough so that he fell asleep, he still awoke in a cold sweat only an hour later. Jason had a terrifying nightmare, but he refused to think about it. Without warning, he began crying. Jason decided it would be best to go downstairs and get a drink of water to calm down.

Jason walked to his refrigerator, the sound of his feet making a small beat on the floor. He didn't noticed the man sleeping on the floor near the kitchen, right next to the couch his father slept on due to being kicked out of his shared bed, with a small girl laying horizontally across him and using his back for a pillow. He also didn't notice that he had awoken the man.

Jason was startled, to say the least, when he heard a voice say "hello" in question. He turned around to see Whizzer beginning to sit up, placing his sister's head in his lap. She stirred, but stayed asleep. Jason stared at Whizzer for a minute, then turned back around to the refrigerator, mumbling "Hey, Whizzer,".

"Is that you, kid? What are you doing up so late?"

"Nothing," Jason said defensively, placing a water bottle back into the fridge and turning to Whizzer.

"Wait, are you crying?"

"Wh--no I-"

"Jason, I can see the tear streaks on your face. Sit down," Whizzer patted the spot next to him. Jason reluctantly sat.

"I know you probably don't trust me, and you don't like me, but I'm here to listen if you want to talk about what made you sad. If not, that's fine. I always just found it comforting to be near someone when I was down."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Jason finally spoke up.

"Can I talk to you about it?"

"Yeah, kid, I just said you could," Whizzer laughed.

"Yeah. Um, I had a nightmare."

"About what?"

"I can't remember much, but it was really sad. Mom and dad were there, and you may have been there, too."

Silence came from Whizzer. Jason sighed.

"Whizzer, do mom and dad love each other?"

Whizzer froze up.


"I think...Trina loves your father."

"What about dad?"

"Marvin just--he--" Whizzer sighed "I don't think he loves anyone except for you, kid."

Jason stared down at the floor again with tears in his eyes. How could his father not love his mother? What kind of sick joke is this?

Whizzer rubbed his back and Jason noticed that the tears were falling out of his own eyes.

"Shh, Jason, it's okay bud. Everything is going to be fine."

Jason clenched his fists. He was making a decision. He was either going to hate Whizzer or trust Whizzer. It seemed like the trust side was winning. Jason took a deep breath and then hugged Whizzer. He held onto him tightly.


Silence. Then Whizzer hugged him back.

"I promise. I will make sure everything will be ok for you."

Jason nodded, and let himself fall asleep in Whizzer's arms.

You're probably wondering why no one has woken up. Well, whispers and silent tears isn't really enough to wake up two heavy sleepers, even if we wish it did sometimes.
Jason blinked a little bit before fully opening his eyes in the morning. He looked up and saw that he was still in Whizzer's arms, and Whizzer was hunched over sleeping in a sitting position. Jason nudged him with his elbow, and Whizzer woke up.

"Huh--what--oh, hey, kid," Whizzer tiredly spoke while being a little disoriented.

"Doesn't your back hurt?"

"I mean, a little I guess."

Jason nodded and stood up.

"Do you know how to play chess?"

"I can try."

"Yeah!" Jason whisper-yelled with excitement.
Sure, when Trina came downstairs, she wasn't happy. She was terrified that her son cared more for Whizzer than for her, even if it only was a day. But she couldn't be too scared as he had finally gained friends.

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