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Two males, one teenager and one man, ran inside the Avengers building. At first, everyone was in fighting stances. Until they saw that it was the missing Avenger, Spider-Man.

They walked in looking like they were hostages but that didn't stop security from throwing them into a cage until the Avengers showed up.

They sent a message to Iron Man. 'Two males, Spider-Man and unknown, ran into the building. They're in cell 29.'

Captain America and Iron Man ran to cell 29. Steve and Tony froze at the sight.

Peter Parker was in his Spider-Man costume but it was heavily torn. There were cuts all over. What surprised them most was the fact that his whole left arm sleeve was gone. There was blood dripping down a huge cut on his shoulder. His mask was gripped in his hands as he breathed heavily.

But what they were most surprised about was who he was with. Brown medium length hair. Blue eyes. A metal arm. It was no other than the Winter Soldier. Bucky Barnes. He had a few cuts here and there but he wasn't in terrible condition like Peter was.

"We gotta get Peter out of there!" Tony yelled at someone, anyone. He needed to help his not-son. He started typing in codes in the panel. The cell door opened. Tony ran inside and grabbed Peter. He tried to pull him from the cell but he gripped onto Bucky's metal arm.

"I'm not going anywhere without Bucky." His voice cracked.

"Then, Barnes, get your ass up." Tony commanded, wanting to help Peter as soon as possible. Peter jumped onto Bucky's back and they ran to the medical room.

All the Avengers had heard of Spider-Man coming back but they didn't know that he was with the Winter Soldier.

They all ran in.


"Oh my god..."

"Is that Winter Solider?!"


"Bruce!" Tony yelled, getting blood all over his hands. "Get over here and help me!"

Bruce ran over to them and grabbed some supplies. He looked at Peter and gave him an anesthetic. Peter's eyes fell shut and he fell limp into Bucky's arms.

"Get away from him!" Natasha yelled towards Bucky.

"No." He replied, staring down at Bruce working.

"And why not?" She crosses her arms.

"Who do you think got him out of there? Who do you think went through the same thing he did? Who do you think helped him while you were chilling on your asses?!" His voice got louder as every question passed.

"Enough!" Steve yelled.

Everyone shut up.

The only sound that was heard was Bruce stitching up Peter's arm.

"What'd they do to him? Why was he bleeding?" Steve asked, quieter.

"They tried to give him a metal arm, like mine. He wasn't fully anesthetized so he hit them with his webs then ran. I found him, bleeding on the floor. I carried him out. It was our plan since the beginning to escape but we didn't have the right timing so we just did it then and there." His voice faded. "How long was he gone? It's hard to keep track of time in a cell."

"7 months." Tony replied sadly.

Bruce finished and cleaned up the rest of the blood. "He should be fine. We might have to sew up the rest of those cuts but his healing factor should help a lot. We have to take the stitches out in about 6 hours? That's my approximation to how long it should take to close the wound."

Bucky nodded and looked down at Peter.

"What happened to you? I thought you were being mind controlled or something."

"It's a long story. But the short version is that this little punk saved me."

* * *


word count: 634, without this a/n

hope you enjoyed the prologue.



edit: there was something rlly bothering me in this that's why i re published this

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