Chapter 25

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"What if I screw up? What if I don't say the right thing? What if—"

"Bucky! You'll be fine! You already proposed, you can't go back now. You love him, he loves you. You'll know what to say, when to say it. You basically already are a married couple. You always have been. Now it's just going to be legal." Peter said.

"Ugh. Why are you always right?" Bucky groaned. Peter just smiled.

"Oh! I just remembered! I hope you don't mind. I invited two of my friends."


"Eddie and Wade."

"Fine. Just go get ready so you can help me get ready." Bucky shooed him away.

* * *

"What if I say 'I don't'?" Steve gasped. "What if I say the wrong name like Ross did with Emily?! What if instead of Emily I say Rachel?!"

"First of all, you're marrying a dude. Second of all, when'd you watch Friends? Third of all, you love Bucky more than anyone or anything in the world. I think you'll be fine." Tony groaned. "Now, hurry up and get ready. You're getting married in 2 hours."

* * *

People (also known as all the other Avengers, the Guardians, the Revengers, the Wakandans, Eddie—and Venom—and Wade. Oh! And Hela, because we love her) started filing into the church. A couple minutes after everyone was seated, 'I Can't Help Falling in Love With You' by Elvis Presley started playing. Bucky walked in with Peter. They walked up to the front where the priest stood. Peter smiled at Bucky before he went to sit down next to Pietro. Then, Steve walked in with Tony. Once they were at the front, Tony smiled at Steve then sat next to Peter.

"Very well," Loki started. Did I forget to mention that Loki is the priest? Welp, he is. He got certified online just to marry them. "We are gathered here today to support the marriage of Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes. If I'm being honest, I tried to kill Steven a couple times. I never really liked him," Someone (cough, Hela, cough) snickered. "James, I felt like we had been through a lot of the same shit, but we won't talk about that. What we are here to talk about is the love that these two share. They've both been through hell and back but here they are, standing in front of us, getting married. If that's not true love, I don't know what is. I would say a bunch of other things but we don't have time for that. So, vows?"

"Steve, Steven, Stevie, you know I've always loved you. Even when you were a tiny kid who lied on his enlistment form probably around 37 times. Even when you got into fights for stupid reasons and I had to get you out of those situations 99% of the time. When I left, you somehow became this big macho man who looked completely different from the Stevie I knew. But you're heart was still the same. You still ran into trouble as if that's the only thing you knew how to do. You helped me get back into my own mind. Well, the memory of you did. And I love you for that. You love me even after I killed dozens of people. You love me even if I have a stupid-ass metal arm that could probably kill you in an instant. But that doesn't stop you from loving me. And that makes me love you. I love you so much."

"God, Buck. You know I'm not at cheesy as you," Steve chuckled. "You saved me so many times that I lost count. You say I love you even with your metal arm and even after you killed a dozen people. Of course I still love you after that. You're still the same Bucky I know and love from 70 years ago. You're still my Bucky who saves my ass even if you're mad at me. I love you so damn much."

"Well," Loki started again. "That was great. Steven Grant Rogers, do you take James Buchanan Barnes to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?"

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