Chapter 3

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Day 5: Plan A in the works.

Day 9: Plan A won't work. Moving onto Plan B.

Day 13: Plan B will fail. 

Day 25: Plan F will fail.

Day 33: Plan H will fail.

Day 41: Plan J will fail.

Day 56: Plan N will fail.

Day 61: Plan O will fail.

Day 76: Plan R will fail.

Day 81: Plan S will fail.

Day 96: Plan V will fail.

Day 103: Plan W will fail.

Day 110: Plan X will fail.

Day 117: Plan Y will fail.

Day 124: Plan Z will succeed.

Day 131: Bucky's memories are coming back faster than they were before after being brain washed.

Day 148: Bucky's memories no longer erase after brain wash.

Day 149: Oh fucking hell. They're making me kill someone.

Peter had been keeping a small journal, writing down the main things that had happened. He also wrote down Plan Z in case Bucky forgot.

He looked around nervously as he held a gun in his hands. One of his missions was standing right in front of him. He was supposed to kill him. He didn't want to kill him. 

His mission was to kill a spy that was working to get information back to SHIELD. He was trained to kill anyone who was his mission. He was taught by Bucky and Bucky was the best at what he did. Even if had his memories back. He had to pretend he would do anything to so they wouldn't get caught. 

Pain flashed through his eyes as he aimed the gun and put his hand on the trigger.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered. He slightly pulled on the trigger, not all the way to shoot it. He heard a gunshot.

He looked around and saw Bucky holding a gun. He was the one who shot the spy.

"Bucky?" He whispered. They didn't use comms so none of the commanders could have known Bucky was the one that shot him. They just thought Bucky was on his mission.

"I couldn't let you kill him. You're too innocent. You can't kill anyone. If anyone were to kill someone, Steve would kill me for letting you kill him." He replied, walking over to him and taking the gun out of his hands.

"Bucky, I wanna get out of here all ready." He whimpered and hugged him.

"We're gonna get out of here some day. Trust me. We didn't spend 124 days working on a plan for nothing." He hugged the teenager back. 

"Okay." He pulled away from the hug.

* * *

Everyday got worse.

Day 150: More missions.

Day 152: Making me train more.

Day 155: Sending us on more missions to kill.

Day 159: We've had more missions at the same time so it's harder for Bucky to come help me.

Day 164: I almost killed someone.

Day 168: I overheard someone saying that they're gonna cut my arm off.

Day 172: Bucky said they're not gonna cut my arm off. 

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