Chapter 19

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After Peter got shot and Stephen examined him, he found out the headache, migraine, nausea and not being able to breathe was just an effect of the liquid that was on the bullet. It went away really quickly thanks to Peter's healing and the fact that he only got shot in the leg.

After a couple hours, he was back to normal. Bruce still wanted to test him a bit before he ran off to who knows where, but that was fine with Peter.

"Alright. You're free to go."

"Thanks, Uncle Bruce!" Peter smiled and ran off to his room to get into his Spider-Man suit.

"Where do you think you're going?" A voice called from his doorway as he was about to jump out the window.

"Um, patrol?"

"Who said you could go?"

"My head? Please, Dad? The city hasn't seen Spider-Man since I got kidnapped. I wanna go out, stop some crimes, swing around the city. Please?"

"Fine." Tony said after a while of thinking.

"Thank you!" He smiled and jumped out.

* * *

In the first hour he was out, Peter had stopped 2 bank robberies, got someone's cat out of a tree and gave a kid her ballon back that had flown up in the sky.

He was currently laying on the roof of a building, staring at the 10 pm skies of New York.

"You know, you probably shouldn't be off guard like that. Just staring at the sky."

"Oh, yeah? Well, you probably shouldn't be stalking me while I'm staring at the sky." Peter replied, not even caring who he was talking to.

The person gasped dramatically. "Me? Stalking? Never!"

Peter looked up slightly and saw a little bit of red and black. He also smelled... mexican food?

"What're you doing here?"

"I dunno. I just wanted to see my Spidey!"

"One, I'm not your Spidey. Two, don't call me Spidey."

"Gosh! Spidey is mean. See, I was your number one fan but now I'm not. Unless! You'll marry me!"

"Yeah, right. As if I'm gonna marry someone I don't know."

"Fine. I'm Deadpool. I would tell you my real name, but I don't want you to stalk me. Yet. I like money, chimichangas, money, and you! What about you?"

"I'm Spider-Man."

"Aw, c'mon! What else? I know you got kidnapped for like a year or something. No one saw you for a year until some chick was walking and she bumped into you or something. You're like a teenager and you have spider powers. You're also an Avenger, so that pretty co—"

"Okay. Shut up. I like photography. I have no biological family left. I, uh, have two not-adopted adopted brothers. My dad was dating this guy but they broke up and now the guy is dating one of my brothers. My dad is not-dating a guy I didn't know existed until I was in the hospital. Two of my uncles are dating. My two aunts are both really cool. Y'know, I could go on and on about my family."

"Wait, so—"

Deadpool got cut off by Karen telling Peter that Tony Stark was calling. Deadpool, somehow, managed to heat Karen's voice and got really excited.

"Is that Tony Stark? Wait, he's Iron Man. I don't like him. He did let us into the Avengers." Deadpool kept on rambling.

Peter answered the call. "What's up, Mr. Stark?"

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