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"Maggie, Joey! Your Uncle Pete is coming back today!" Steve yelled. He was in the kitchen making breakfast for his family while Bucky was with the kids, helping them get ready.

"Pete!" Joey cheered. He had taken a liking to Peter since he found out he was named after him.

Bucky came out a couple minutes later, holding Maggie in his arms and Joey holding his hand. Maggie was a little daddy's girl who loved being held by her dad Bucky. Joey on the other hand, he though he was so tough, that he was gonna be the next Captain America. But, he had a soft spot for Steve and Peter.

The small family was eating breakfast when the elevator door opened.

Joey perked up and ran to the doors. Peter picked up Joey and hugged him. "How's my favorite nephew?" He smiled.

"Pete!" He cheered.

Once Peter was settled in, he ate a piece of bread, still holding Joey.

"Who's coming today?" Peter asked. The whole squad was coming over for lunch as a welcome back.

"Everyone. The Avengers, obviously, since they live here. The Guardians, Revengers, Wakandans, Asgardians, Eddie and Wade." Bucky said.

"Cool." Peter nodded.

* * *

Everyone was starting to file into the floor. Basically the only ones left were Eddie, Wade and Loki.

People were talking and all the crap that happens at reunions, when the lights switched off. The elevator doors opened to Eddie, Wade and Loki.

Peter stood up and ran over to Wade, pulling him into a hug then kissing him. He hadn't seen his boyfriend since winter break. Obviously they texted, but it wasn't the same.

Maggie and Joey were playing with Lila, Pietro and Clint's daughter.

It was perfect.

* * *

Peter had gone to MIT for 5 years after he graduated. He studied electrical engineering, just like Tony.

He had come out as Spider-Man the same day that he left for MIT, finally putting a face on the masked hero.

Peter and Wade have been together since the wedding.

Steve and Bucky never moved out of the Tower. They were planning to, but the kids got too attached to having all their aunts and uncles around.

Bucky never cut his hair again completely. He only had it trimmed when he thought it got too long. At this point, he basically always had his hair up in a ponytail or bun.

Clint and Pietro got married a year after Steve and Bucky did. A year after they got married, they had a baby girl, Lila Laura Barton-Maximoff.

Stephen and Tony are dating. They had been since the wedding. What Tony didn't know is that Stephen was planning to propose at dinner that night.

Thor and Bruce ended up dating. Somehow.

Scott and Hope are dating.

Eddie and Venom are together? No one really knew how it worked but no one questioned it either way.

Wanda and Vision are dating.

HYDRA came back to try to get Peter but his whole family defended him. HYDRA is now nonexistent.

Thor and Loki were equal rulers of Asgard. Neither of them were above the other for once.

* * *

Peter put on his new suit, seeing as he was gone for such a long time, Tony had a lot of time to readjust it. He had gone out a bunch as Spider-Man when he was in Massachusetts. Everyone knew he was Spidey so they always treated him nicely so he wouldn't web them up.

He smiled as he jumped out of his window. He started swinging around. It had been 5 years since the streets of New York had seen Spider-Man. And now he was back. He could already hear the headlines.

'New York's Spider-Man finally back in New York!'

'Peter Parker aka Spider-Man back on the streets!'

'The Avengers are finally all together again.'

'Spider-Man's return!'

He already heard some people cheering for him. He landed right next to the Met. His mask disappeared from his face.

People started surrounding him, but in a good way. He signed autographed and took pictures with people. This was what he missed about New York.

It was good to be back.

* * *


word count: 697, without this a/n

oof y'all. it's over.

as of right now, there's no sequel.

that might change.


i'm writing another marvel fic, ofc.

it's obviously gonna be brother peter and bucky. probably be stucky + ironstrange. i'll update y'all when it's out!

that's it y'all! it's over!

bye! see y'all soon

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