Chapter 9

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Bruce finished cleaning up Peter's wound. He was about to clean the knife, the one that Pietro dropped, when he noticed a clear substance on it.

He put on some gloves and took a sample of the substance.

He tested it a bit before he realized what it was.

"Tony!" He yelled. "Bucky! Steve! Peter! Loki! Someone!"

Bucky, Loki, Peter, Steve and Tony ran in.

Bruce grabbed Peter and sat him down on a chair. "Poisoned. Pietro poisoned him."

"How?" Tony asked, walking over to the knife.

"There was water mixed in with arsenic. When I cleaned Peter's wound, it was fine. Just blood. So I'm guessing the arsenic is still on Peter's skin. The good thing is that only a minimal amount can be absorbed though the skin and into the blood."

"What happens if it did get in my blood?" Peter asked.

"Well... the symptoms are headaches, confusion, vomiting, hair loss and convulsions."

"What's the result?"

"Coma and or death."

"How long would it take to kill me?"

"It can take from 2 hours to 4 days."

"Then test me. See if it's in my blood." He put his arm out so Bruce could take his blood.

* * *

hour 3

Bruce just finished testing Peter's blood.

"It's in his blood." He said to no one in particular since he was alone in the lab.

He ran out of the lab and ran to the main lounge. Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Rhodey and Thor were there. "Where's Peter?"

"Last time I checked he was in the bathroom puking his guts out." Natasha responded casually thinking it was just food poisoning.

"No, no, no, no, no. That's one of the symptoms." He mumbled and went to the bathroom. "Tony."

Tony looked at him with concerned eyes. Bruce nodded. "He's poisoned." He whispered, not wanting Peter to hear.

"I can hear you." Peter mumbled. He stuck his left arm out. "Cut it off." 

"Are you crazy?!" Steve yelled, causing all the other Avengers to hear.

Peter looked up. He was pale and his eyes were red. "Would you rather I die? I could drop dead any second now."

Steve looked at Bucky then at Loki then at Tony. They all nodded. Steve turned to Bruce and nodded. 

Bucky picked Peter up and took him to the lab. Everyone followed but Bruce wouldn't let them in. Bucky set Peter on the table. Bruce started prepping him.

"Peter. Look at me." Bucky ordered and Peter did. "I know this is gonna save you but at the same time it's gonna hurt you. At some points you're gonna wanna get rid of the prosthetic and have your arm back. It's gonna hurt. You're 17 years old, it's gonna be worse for you than it was for me, you still have school to attend to an—"


"You disappeared during the summer. You still have to go back for your senior year."

"I basically missed an entire semester. What'd Tony tell the school?"

"That you went to study abroad for a semester."

"That makes no sen—"

"Okay. Shut up. You're gonna go back and you're gonna want your arm back because having a prosthetic is gonna make you feel out of place."

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