Chapter 7

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Peter woke up. He saw Bucky next to him. Something was wrong. There wasn't a red star on Bucky's metal arm. He felt around him. He touched his arm. It was metal.

He blinked and the next thing he knew, he was back in the cell. He blinked again and he saw everyone he cared about dead. They all had stab wounds and he had the knife.

Peter woke up.

He threw the cover off of him and ran to the first place he thought of.

Tony's lab.

It was only 2:27 in the morning. Tony should still be down there.

"Mr. Stark?" He said as he walked through the door.


"Yeah, it's me."

Tony appeared from his place behind one of his suits. "What're you doing up?"

"I, uh, couldn't sleep." He said while fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"Why'd you come here? Why didn't you go to Steve or Barnes?"

"I thought you'd still be up."

"Oh. C'mere."

Peter walked over to Tony. "What are you working on?"

"Just some adjustments to my suit."

"Can I help?"

"If you want to."

* * *

Peter ended up falling asleep again while working with Tony. He was working on an equation on a white board. He pulled over a stool and ended up falling asleep.

"Hey, Pete? Can you tell me the equation?" Tony waited for Peter to respond. "Pete?" He turned over and saw that he had fallen asleep and that he was about to fall.

Tony dropped what he was doing and went to pick him up before he fell.

"Where should I take you?" He mumbled to himself.

He checked the time.

5:24 am.

Someone had to be up at that time. Bucky? He always wakes up early. Steve? He might be out for a run with Sam soon. Loki? He might be back on Asgard with Thor. Bucky is probably the best option.

Right as Tony picked Peter up, Bucky barged in.

"What's Peter doing in here?" Bucky asked, walking over to them and taking Peter.

"How'd you know he was here?" Tony questioned.

"I asked the voice in the wall."

"That's— ugh, never mind. He came here at like 2:30 because he couldn't sleep and he was helping me when he fell asleep."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you were asleep."

"Do you know how I get when I don't know where Peter is? It makes me feel like we're still with HYDRA and they took Peter and cut off his arm. It makes me so fucking worried and I feel like that's on me. That I didn't protect him. You may be the one who's adopting him but I'm the one who cares about him the most."

Bucky walked out of the lab with Peter in his arms.

Tony sighed and went back to his work.

Bucky held onto Peter and walked to the kitchen. He needed something to drink.

He placed Peter on the couch and got a glass of water. He grabbed the journal that Peter wrote in and flipped through the pages.

He wrote everything down. Including what he had to eat that day. It was normally just an apple and bread.

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