Chapter Five // What Did I Do Wrong?

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After this I am going to be looking for a cast. Comment people you think should be who. They have to meet the characteristics so far described in the story. Also, if you haven't seent The Fault In Our Stars you may want to skip a few lines..

It was my last free day with Justin and Jaydon, the two people in Toronto I loved the most at the time. Them aside from my father of course.

It was going to be a day to remember. I knew it.

I woke up early that morning to the sun lights rays lighting up my bedroom. I glanced at the few packed bags and smiled.

That morning was amazing so far, and it started with a warm bath to relieve my swore shoulder from the other day when Justin slammed on the brake. My shoulder banged against something, I don't recall any pain or anything.

I soaked in the bath and slowly washed my hair and body. The steaming hot water definitely helped soothe the pain.

When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my chest and walked back to my bedroom. I dried my body off good, then slid on panties, and a sports bra, then I got a text message.

From: Justin
One hour! I can't wait for today.

That day we three were going ice skating, then going to watch a few movies at the theatre, and lastly going to build a bear workshop, just cause. I wanted to remember that day and have the most fun we could possibly have.

I got dressed into black leggings, and put on a white polo over a tank top, then lounged in that for a few.

I laid back down onto my bed and checked my Clash Of Clans, then my text messages blew up from a whole bunch of people I didn't know. This is what they all said.

Unknown Numbers:

you have no ass

Shawn got all the looks and hot body while you look like sasquatch with your uneven eyebrows

you're so funny if you think Justin actually 'loves' you, fugly assflat chest bitch

do everyone a favor and kill yourself

I sat there for a second, frozen, shocked. These text all sent in within an hour. Then stopped, except one last one that sent that second. I didn't want to read it, but my mind forced me to.

Unknown Number:

how does it feel? being hated on? And even though all these things people are saying about you is true, you deny them. you should just except it. and PLEASE do everyone a favor, and kill yourself. nobody cares how you do it, just get it done kay? the last thing anyone wants is to see your face this summer, or at school next year, thank god you won't be here.

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