Chapter Thirty Three // The YouTube Video

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American Horror Stories ^^^

If you vote right now Cameron Dallas will show up at your house in only a jock strap and give you chocolates ❤️❤️


It was late that night, it was also the same day we had talked to Nash about Justin sneaking the photo into the bathroom. Plus a used condom which I still am not sure about.

I had played around with Shawn's camera, and the stand. I adjusted it right to where the frame got me in it; I was sitting criss cross with my big fluffy comforter in my lap. I had absolutely no idea how I was going to do this, and how awkward it'd be. The guys make videos like they're talking to one another, but when I see the camera I see a million people standing behind it and watching my every move. It was nerve racking.

I turned on auto focus, flipped the screen so that I could see myself, and hit record. I let out a breath, and plopped myself onto the end of the bed.

"Where do I start" I hummed to myself, thinking hard. "Hi, no too cheesey. WHATS-" I stopped myself right there when I realized I was having a hard time doing this. Right as I ran my fingers through my hair Cameron stepped in while eating a pretzel.

"Are you recording" he asked with a mouthful of food. I nodded and glanced at the camera. He nodded and sat in the chair beside the camera.

It was really silent before Cameron looked at me confused. "Um, are you," I cut him off, "I don't know where to start, I mean, what to say. I'm nervous" I said embarrassed, and bowed my head a little. He sat beside me and gently grabbed my arm.

"How do you usually start" I asked him. He twisted his lips to the left as he thought for a moment. "Just by saying hi, just simply act like you're talking to me" he said and a perky smile grew on his face. I smiled, and he kissed me good luck and went to grab the salt for his pretzel.

I let out a breath then nodded, and imagined the camera being, Cameron.


Shawn's POV

"Have you edited it" I asked Dana over the phone. Taylor and I were at Starbucks just to get out for a bit.

"Yeah, Cameron helped me. Shawn, what if the fans hate me" she asked nervously.

"Why would they hate you" I laughed.

"Just, watch it. Okay? I'll see you back here later, bye!"

I hung up and went to my youtube channel to find the video. She had posted it on my channel 'cause I trusted her with my passwords. The boys would probably post embarrassing stuff all over social media, but I knew she never would.

I slipped in one earbud and handed Taylor the other, and we studied my phone as the video came up.

Dana was sitting up at the end of her bed. She seemed kind of nervous when she started.

"Where do I start" she hummed faintly.

"I just want to start off by saying my names is Dana Mendes. And all of you most likely know my brother Shawn. By the way he wanted me to tell you, go buy his EP on iTunes!" I snickered to myself then regained focus. "But the reason I am making this video is too, clear the air with you guys. And by you guys, I mean almost everyone on social media. I come from a popular town in Canada. Toronto. There, I was never super popular. A lot of people knew me, but not for good. My old friend, Jaydon, was the most popular girl at my school. She was pretty, gorgeous at that. Witty, funny, and got any guy she wanted. I also dated the captain of the football team, Justin. My friend and boyfriend were perfect in my eyes. I always questioned why the liked me, why they'd want to hang out with me."

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