Chapter Seventeen // FroYo with Connor Franta

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Dana's POV

Everyone, besides Laur, had been acting weird around me. They didn't talk as much, and weren't as funny.

"Is there a reason everyone is acting so lifeless" I whispered to Cameron who was sitting beside me scrolling on his phone. He just shrugged and it felt like he blew off my question. The room consisted of the guys, me, and Laur. I wanted to ask ok what's going on but I didn't feel comfortable.

I tapped my thumb and looked around, nobody was talking. Is this my fault I asked myself. Yes, they saw me wasted the night before and couldn't look at me the same. I wish I remembered what I did for them to act like this.

The fact it was all my fault built up in my head. My insecure self coming back to surface.

As the loud silence continued I knew they all didn't want to talk to me, so I got up and left. I literally grabbed my penny board and ran out the door. Thankfully I didn't look raunchy and pretty acceptable.

I stopped at the side of the road when a flying car almost hit me, I kind of wanted it to at the time.

I dropped my board and placed my right foot at the front, then pushed off with my other.

The roads were busy, like always, and the beach was crowded with people that friday afternoon. I got a text message and knew that it was one of the guys or Laur, but I checked it anyways.

From: Laur

hey, why did you bale? I hope you're ok.

I didn't want to text her back, so I slid my phone back into my pocket and looked at the sidewalk I was riding on.

As I skated down the sidewalk I suddenly came upon a yogurt shop. My stomach rumbled and I picked up my skateboard to walk in, but bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I mumbled embarrassed and didn't even bother looking the guy in the eyes.

"No worries" he replied and I saw his face wrinkle from a smile. And when I looked up I saw bluish greenish eyes, a clean sharp haircut, and the most friendliest smile.

"Is something wrong" he asked, I thought I knew him from somewhere, I had definitely seen his face.

"No, sorry you just look familiar. What's your name?"

"Connor, Franta." Connor Franta? That sounded strangely familiar. Probably one of the thousand of people Jeydon fangirled over.

"Oh, I'm Dana, if you were wondering, you probably didn't" I laughed and walked in.

"This may sound stupid, but do we have to pay first or-" "no, you get a cup" he told me and handed me a white foam cup.

"So, I guess you come here often" I asked pouring some vanilla ice cream. "Yeah, every Friday. You?" "No, I'm visiting my brother, maybe you know him. Shawn Mendes?"

His eyes lit up and he nodded, "you're Dana Mendes, yea I stalk his twitter almost all the time."

I laughed and went to the toppings bar. "I'm going to get so fat" he hummed pouring a shit load of cookie dough in his cup.

"Same." I needed to gain weight cause I was a stick.

I met him at the check out and he voluntarily bought mine.

"You didn't have to do that by the way" I told him as I dropped my penny board. "I wanted to, why don't you skate with me down to the beach?"

I thought for a moment, the guys would eventually come looking for me, but I felt too embarrassed to be around them. So I went.

He kicked out his board and I followed right behind him. I even got balanced enough to eat the ice cream.

I pulled the board up to my side as we walked onto the beach and the sand ran between my toes.

When we got onto the beach we found two beach chairs in an open area where nobody was. I laid my phone on my lap and put on my raybans.

I checked my messages.

From: Shawn

Where did you run off to?

From: Laur

Nash is taking me home, please be careful!

I quickly replied, but only to Laur.

To: Laur

Ok, sorry I left but I'm sitting on the beach right now. I'll call you when I get back.

I turned off my phone and threw it in my pocket.

"Are you friends with Shawn's friends" he asked. "Um, yea sort of." "Well that didn't sound too assuring."

I bit my lip as I fake laughed and watched the ocean water crash onto the shore. It was so beautiful. It's sad when a big body of water was more beautiful than I am.

"Can I tell, or ask, you something and you swear to keep it a secret" I asked. He quickly nodded assuringly.

"When you do something wrong, that's a little raunchy, in front of your friends, and they don't look at you the same, how do you get them to let it go?"

"Easy, tell them to move the hell on" he laughed. I fake smiled and fixed my eyes on the sand.

"I'm joking. Actually I would tell them that everyone makes mistakes, and that we learn from them. And that you didn't fully mean to, cause you're a better and bigger person than that. Make sure that they fully understand you didn't mean to do what you did. And if they really are your true friends they'll forgive you if you are truthful towards them."

This boy was like a preacher, he was right, though. I needed to tell them, soon, I didn't want things to be awkward any more.

"Wow, that's actually really good advice. Thanks!"

"You're welcome, and hey I gotta bounce, but here, put in your number" he said handing me his phone. I took it and typed in my name with heart eye emojis, and then my number.

"I'll see you soon" I last said to him and he went off to five other guys who seemed to be waiting for him.


I raced into the living room and a pair of big arms wrapped around me, it was Cameron. I could tell by the scent of his amazing cologne.

"Dana, I was so worried" he said pulling back from the hug.

"Awe, I didn't mean to worry you, I just wanted to get away for a while. And I kind of have something to say." The others stood in the living room staring at me.

"Are you ok" Shawn asked. I nodded and asked them to all sit.

They all didn't seem sure but went back to texting.

"Guys stop" I demanded.

They a locked their phones and put them away.

"Listen, we all make mistakes. Some worse than others, even if that includes getting wasted. But that isn't the point. I don't like the awkward vibe you guys are setting off. I know I probably wasn't myself that night, but I learned from that. I don't like drinking cause I don't want to end up like my dad. And I only did it because-" I gulped and felt my cheeks burn. "Because I didn't want to be lame and not act like a tree. But that was a mistake, a big one and I really really wish you guys could let it slide."

They all looked at each other, exchanged unsure looks, then back at me.

"It's forgotten" Shawn informed me and patted the spot beside him. "Thank you" I said and sat close next to him.

Nash grabbed the roku remote and turned on a horror movie. .

"YES, everyone shuh" Nash yelled.


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