Chapter Thirty Five // Is Cameron A Virgin?

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Today is my birthday and I really want Shawn to sing happy birthday to me. ❤️❤️


I had fallen asleep with Laur at her new home. Her bed was like a cloud and after we watched movies all night we fell asleep at three am then slept until 2pm.

"Hey, Laur" I yawned and reached for the sky.

"What" she murmured from the other side of the bed.

"I think I'm gonna go" I told her and slipped on my shoes.

"See if you can make me a vanilla cappuccino" she demanded and I rolled my eyes, and dragged myself out of the room. I clutched my flannel jacket that I actually wore as a jacket, it was kind of chilly.

Laur's aunt was already in the kitchen.

"Good afternoon" she snickered as she fixed her a sandwich.

"Good afternoon to you too. Would you happen to have any vanilla cappuccino maker stuff."

She tapped her chin for a moment then opened some huge pantry doors. She then grabbed the red container of cappuccino mix.

"Here you go, the microwave is right there, help yourself!"

I poured the powder into a hot glass of water that I previously heated up in the microwave. I brought the coffee into her room and sat it on the table by her bed.

"Oh thanks" she mumbled and shut her eyes, only to fall asleep once again.


After nearly an hour long drive, I finally pulled into the big parking lot beside the apartment building. I made my way up the elevator and into our apartment.

When I stepped into the kitchen I noticed a neon pink sticky note on the silver fridge. I tilted my head as I walked towards it.

Dear Dana,

I know this is the first place you'd look, because your fat. Anyways the boys and I are down by the beach. Come whenever you can :)


I sighed and threw the note on the table.

I strolled into my bedroom and started opening some drawers. I got out my blue bikini and laid it on my bed. I stripped off my clothes then applied the bathing suit, then found a headband to put my hair in.

I put on some shorts and a crop top over it then headed out.

I walked around the beach for almost an hour until I saw Nash and Shawn coming out of the ocean, with surfboards.

"HEY" I yelled getting their attention. Nash saw me and dropped his board to come over to me.

"What's up Mendes" he asked shaking his hair and I brought my head back. "Sorry" he snickered.

"It's cool. I saw Shawn's note on the fridge." He nodded his head as if he was there when Shawn wrote it. "Anyways, what're you boys doing" I asked and examined his skin suit.

"Surfing, wanna join" he asked and looked back at the guys who saw us.

Sharks, thousands of dark ocean underneath us. Ummm. "No thanks" I said nervously and followed beside him back to the shore. Cameron just got our and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What's up" Cameron sang aloud as he picked me up and twirled me around. I laughed as he set me back down.

"I'm here to watch you boys" I told him.

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