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well would you look at that. I'm not dead. (wish I were) (just kidding just kidding. I'm getting better.)

anywho, I'm here to say that I'm going to mark this book as completed and move on with my life. Wattpad was an important thing to me for two years, but I'm a much different person than I was when I last used it. I've grown, and writing/reading fanfiction isn't really my style anymore. now, I write a lot of short stories and poetry, and I have expanded my art styles more. 

for those of you who do read this, no, I'm not saying goodbye because I'm like, dying or going to die, or something like that. I'm doing this because I am not the same Madison you've known from this book. yes, many of the things in here I still say and stand by, but I have changed a lot, and I'm happy where I am. 

here's who I am now: I'm Madison. I love Harry Styles and Mike Faist. I'm seeing Taylor Swift in concert. I go to church twice a week. I spend my summers playing basketball and writing for speech. I write fiction and poetry. I draw and paint. I love sunsets, trees, and apple juice. I fell for a boy with green eyes who lights up my world. I'm in theatre. I care too much about everything. Broadway has consumed my life. I cry a lot. I have anxiety and depression, and I'm working to get better. I was once suicidal but I have found reasons to live. I am a new woman, and I am loving it. Wattpad isn't apart of this new me, and that's okay. In the words of one of my favorite musicals, Beauty and the Beast, "I'm where and who I want to be."

with my final words on here, I say that I hope anyone who is reading this knows that there are reasons in this world to smile, laugh, and most importantly, live. your pain today is not worth losing your tomorrow. you are strange and you are absolutely wonderful that way. don't let the world tell you who you have to be. the world is your stage, and darling, you are the lead role. 

and, for the final time, enjoy life.

off adventuring(and I do mean it this time),

madison :)

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