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"Timothy not tonight," Avery hissed as she got ready for bed.

Once she arrived home he was still out. She was happy to a least know that she could take a decent bath without him breathing down her neck.

"No we need to talk Avery. Where the hell were you? You didn't answer any of my calls or texts. So what the hell was more important than answering the phone," Timothy yelled.

"I was out with a friend Timothy."

"Out with a friend! What friend Avery, huh? Just tell me it was him! Give it to me straight! You still fucking him?"

Avery turned around to him and looked him dead in his eyes. She was over the conversation altogether, and the fact that he was practically accusing her of cheating with Chris again was irritating.

"I was out with my new friend Tegan Frier. She's the President of the university. She asked me to accompany her to drinks and I accepted. So if that doesn't ease your insecure ass mind then I don't know what the fuck else to tell you. Now I'm going my ass to bed and I suggest you do the same, because apparently you've lost your damn mind yelling at me like I'm a damn child," Avery replied calmly before getting into bed.

"Avery baby I-" Timothy started, but was immediately interrupted.

"Shut the hell up and leave me alone. If this is how our marriage is going to continue to be then we need to go ahead and draw up the divorce papers. You're getting on my last damn nerve. I cheated three years ago. Yes I get it! I can't go back and change it, but this constant battle I have with you everyday makes me wish I could. So, if you think you have to question my moves every second then by all means divorce me, but I'm done fighting," Avery commented before getting up out of the bed and going to the guest room to sleep.

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Getting up an hour early than expected Avery took a quick shower then got dress. After her argument with Timothy last night she felt refreshed. She had gotten everything she'd ever wanted to say to him off of her chest.

Slipping on her black red bottoms she stood up walking over to the mirror. It had been a while since she really dressed up for work. Considering how refreshing she felt it was time for a new wardrobe change anyways.

Finished with checking herself out she grabbed her things and headed out to work

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Finished with checking herself out she grabbed her things and headed out to work.

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Today Avery say in the crowd with her students as each one of them took her spot up front. She was getting to know them on a personal level and she enjoyed it.

"Next up Mr. Brown," Avery said mentally rolling her eyes.

Seeing him walk to the front of the class she leaned back in her seat.

"Three years ago I met this incredible woman. She was broken and tired. She had this aura around her that I couldn't quite explain. She made me want better things in life. She made me want to be a better man. The same day we met I was offered a record deal. I was so happy that all of my hard work had finally paid off. I left her and I didn't even leave a note, or something to let her know that I was coming back for her," he stopped taking a deep breath.

"I was leaving so that I could give her a better life. One where she wouldn't have to ask for anything. Now I'm here trying to figure out if she'll forgive me for not taking her with me. That there is, with the little hope I have left in my heart, a way for her to forgive me. She's the reason for my career being where it is today. She's the fire in my mind, body, and soul whenever I'm working on an album. She's the reason for my writing."

By the time Chris was finished Avery had tears threatening to leave her eyes. She couldn't let her students see her this way. So with every ounce of control she pushed them back. Standing she composed herself as the class ended their applauding.

"Great presentations students. Make sure to read the entire play on The Glass Menagerie also I expect a full five page analysis report before the end of next week. Class dismissed," Avery asserted before grabbing her briefcase and heading to her office.

Shutting and locking her door she leaned against it dropping her briefcase to the floor. Placing her hand over her mouth she let out a strangled sob. She couldn't stop herself from sinking to the floor as she tried to quiet her sobbing.

Hearing someone knock on her door she quickly stood up grabbing tissues from off of her desk to clean her face.

A few more knocks were heard as Avery pulled herself together. Walking over to the door she unlocked it and opened it to find Tegan standing there with a bright smile on her face.

Seeing Avery's bloodshot eyes Tegan entered into the office and closed the door locking it in the process.

Without any words she pulled Avery into a tight hug, "Whatever it is, it's going to be okay. Just let it out mama. Let it out."

And Avery did. She let every scream and tear go while Tegan held her. She was torn and didn't know what to do. Chris was in love with her, but to be honest she wasn't sure if she was in love with him.

Maybe it was just the fact that he actually took time out of his day to listen to her. Maybe she was in fact in love with him three years ago, but not anymore. Though the idea of being in love with him didn't give her chills like it used to.

His touch, she didn't crave it. Everything he had laid out to her just minutes ago was beautiful, but it wasn't enough to get her back. She was done. Done with him and Timothy. She needed space and a lot of it.

After an hour of crying Avery pulled away from Tegan, "I ruined your jacket."

Tegan chuckled softly, "It's okay. The cleaners will be able to fix it, but that's the least of my concern at the moment. Are you okay Avery?"

Avery didn't reply she just looks down as she played with her fingers. Hooking her hand under Avery's chin, Tegan lifted the woman's head.

"It's a yes or no question Avery. I'm not pushing you to tell me why you were crying. I just want to know if you're okay or not," Tegan stated.

Avery's eyes met hers as she hesitated to speak.

"Look if you don't want to talk about it then let's just get you out of here," Tegan added standing.

"Okay let me grab my things and I'll meet you by your car," Avery replied

With a nod Tegan slipped off her stained white blazer leaving Avery's office.

Sighing Avery grabbed her things and left her office to meet Tegan. She needed a break, and it was surely well deserved.

In Love with a Married Woman {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now