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Enjoy! P.S. thank you spokensins for the bomb ass poem! 😘


Opening her eyes slowly Avery groaned in pain. Looking around she noticed that she was in a hospital room and Chris was seated in the chair next to her bed. He was sleeping soundly.

She tried opening her mouth to speak, but her throat was dry. Coughing slightly she closed her eyes momentarily before opening them to see Chris wake up.

Once he did his eyes landed on her, surprised to see her awake. Moving closer to the bed he grabbed her hand.

"Hey you alright? You scared the hell out of all of us," Chris said.

Avery didn't reply she just put her hand on her throat. As a response he grabbed the water bottle from off of the table and gave it to her. Opening the bottled water Avery chugged it back like it was her last time drinking water.

Taking the empty bottle Chris threw it in the trash before coming back to Avery's side.

"Chris what happened. I just remember being in my office. Everything after that is a blur," Avery said her voice still a little scratchy.

"You came into class. You seemed to be okay at first, but suddenly you just stopped talking. You stumbled slightly grabbing into your desk. You said you were okay, but then you passed out," Chris explained.

"What did the doctor say," Avery asked.

"Nothing yet. They wanted you to get some rest first. Also, I called Timothy. He's stuck in traffic, but he's on his way," Chris replied.

Avery's eyes widened in shock, "You called him? Did he freak out? Did he say some things?"

Chris chuckled at how worried she was, "At first yes, but once I went off on his ass and let him know that we are just friends he shut up. I still want to punch him one good time though."

Smiling slightly Avery shook her head, "Violence doesn't solve anything. Also, we're just friends? Where did that come from? Last time I checked..."

Chris playfully rolled his eyes, "Well I actually have a girlfriend now. Her name is Robyn. I talked to her about our situation, without disclosing who you are, and she gave me some really good advice."

Finding amusement in how he suddenly started blushing Avery tilted her head, "And what exactly is this advice?"

"She said that maybe three years ago we might've loved each other, but after all that's happened it's just not the same. She said that we needed to talk it out to figure out what we wanted to do. Meaning if we wanted to be together, or go our separate ways and remain platonically friends," he answered.

Avery made a face of approval, "Smart girl. I like her and I haven't even met her."

"Yeah, yeah , yeah. Let me go get the doctor for you."

With that Chris left out of the room leaving Avery to her thoughts. Tears started to form in her eyes as she thought about the argument that she had with Tegan.

She felt utterly stupid and like shit. She really didn't mean for everything to go the way it did. She hadn't expected for her husband and her to make up the way they did. She should've never accepted Tegan's offer for drinks that night. Maybe things would be totally different.

Hearing Chris and the doctor enter she quickly wiped the tears off her face. She didn't need Chris asking questions.

"Good evening Mrs. Jean I'm Doctor Frier. How are you feeling," the doctor asked.

In Love with a Married Woman {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now