Chapter 1

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What a good morning 😊! HI i am Byun Baek Hyun 22 years old and I will now having a work after a long Months finding a job😥 So i will be a secretary of CEO in Park Enterprises.. My work will start at 9am and Now its fuckin already 8:30 "shit i'll be late at work its my first day i cant be late" I started to do my morning routines at 8:45 i finish my morning routine i quickly get my bag and keys for my car. I quickly ran into my car im so lucky because at 8:55am i arrived at the company. I ran to the office desk of the woman inside the building.

(Baekhyun-thick Lady-Bold)
Hi miss i am the new secretary of Mr. Park the CEO of this company!

Oh so your Mr. Byun?

Yeah i am mr byun!

Just go to his office and wait for him there! His office is in 30th floor of the building!

Okay thankyou miss!

I quickly ran to the elevator and pressed the 30th floor. I arrived at the CEO'S OFFICE i kindly wait him to come then suddenly the elevator opened and A tall guy came out. He's really handsome,tall and so hot, he also have a big ears! Haha cute.

(Chanyeol-Bold Baekhyun-Thick)
Are you Mr.Byun? My new secretary?

I nodded "yes mr.park nice to meet you! I am byun baekhyun.!" I smile at him but he's seems like he dont care.

Get inside my office i have something to tell you!

I quickly followed him inside his office.

"MR.BYUN BAEKHYUN" he called my name im really scared shit..

"Yes Mmr.Pparkk" (gulp)

"You will be my secretary so that i want you to come here in the office before i arrived make sure that my schedule is right. And also as my secretary you have to take care of me." Mr. Park said and i nodded.

Your office is right nest to my office so if i need you i just call you. You may go now.

Okay thankyou Mr.Park.. i said and i quickly go out of the Ceo's office.

Gosh he's really handsome but i dont want his attitude but its okay. He's really strict i wish i can stay longer here if i can handle his attitude he's really cold he didnt even say goodmorning to me..

I quickly goes to my office. Then a man is standing there! He turn around and smiles at me..

(Sehun-Bold Baekhyun-thick)
"You must be Mr.Byun?"

"Yes i am!" I said.

"I am Oh Sehun!" I will be your new friend! Nice to meet you Mr.byun! Oh by the way just call me sehun!. He chuckled.

"Ohh okay then just call me baekhyun.." i smiled at him!

"Call me if you need anything baek!" He winks at baekhyun.

"Ohh thankyou so much sehun!" I said. He goes out of my office and i sat on my chair. My life and future will begin now! Go baekhyun you can do this! Its only work you can do this!. I said to my self.

(Chanyeol's Pov)

I called my secretary if i have a schedule today then baekhyun said i have only 1 meeting left so after that i can go home.

4 hours later..

I saw the petite brunet smiling. Wow he's so pretty. I came back to my sense when Mr.Byun pats my shoulder.

Mr. Park you can go home now take care of your self. Baekhyun said while smiling.

Thankyou Mr.Byun you can go home then. Right now im going to finish my work maybe 30mins im going home. I said.

Mr.Park  (Chanbaek) Where stories live. Discover now