Chapter 8

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(Baekhyun's pov)

Chanyeol cooks some samgyeopsal for me and im so thankful to him. Chanyeol excuse himself because he needs to call someone maybe its sandara. I said to my self and start eating.

(Chanyeol's pov)

"Hello yixing? I have something to ask you a favor." I said.

"Yes sir please tell me what is it" he said.

"Please hire me 3 body gurads that can protect baekhyun from danger. And also dont you guys dare to hire a person that names SANDARA PARK" i said.

"Is sandara park is your sister?" He said.

"No! She's my fuckin ex girlfriend who only wants money and now trying to get me back to her but thats not going to happend anymore i have a good relationship now to baekhyun just do what i said. Thankyou yixing goodnight" i said.

I walk towards the kitchen to see baekhyun but baekhyun is not there so i walk to our bedroom and saw baekhyun sleeping already i smiled and walk towards him and kissed his forehead. I quickly lay beside him so that i can rest now. Tomorrow is saturday so there's no work i can stay with baekhyun here at the house.

3am in the morning.

(Baekhyun's pov)

My tumny really hurts i dont know why peanut is not kicking but it really hurts should i wake chanyeol up or should i ignore this? I dont know what to do.

"Chanyeol wake up! My tumny hurts its hurts so much i dont know why peanut is not kicking but my tummy hurts.!" i said.

"Do you want to go to the hospital? Come on you need to be checked up!" He said.

Chanyeol helps me to stand up and bring me to his car ge drives faster and it makes me nervous.

"Chanyeol slow down" i said.

"Im sorry im just worried!"he said.

We arrived at seoul medical hospital. Chanyeol brings me to the doctor and he checks me up..

"Theres nothing serious in this dont worry mr.byun its really happening when your due date is near just bear with it your already 7 months stop working and relax now only 2 months it will be your due date so relax and avoid being stress it may affect the baby for now you dont have to worry about this here's the medicine you should drink if your tummy still hurts." The doctor said.

"Thankyou doctor i will do what you said." I said.

"You hear what the doctor said? You should quit being my secretary on my company! And then after you give birth to our son you can go back to work. Im just worried about you but you still want to work even when your tired." Chanyeol said.

"Yes yes i understand" i said while smiling.

"So doctor can we go home now?" I said.

"Yes you may go now i will look forward for your baby" doctor said.

We go out to the hospital and go home.

"Chanyeol im sorry to interupt you this morning i know your tired." I said.

"Baek you dont have to be sorry its my responsibilty to take care of you and our baby." He said.

"Okay" i said.

My phone rang and it make me flinch.
Luhan is calling....

"Hello lu whats up" i said.

"Baekiee! Im pregnant! Sehun is the father!" He said.

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