Chapter 7

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Foreworddd ❤❤❤❤ 3months laterrr sorry for wrong typos English is not my language ❤❤❤

3months later baekhyun's tummy is now bigger 4 months until he gets his labor. Chanyeol and him goes to hospital to check their genders.

"Congratulations mr.park and mr.byun its a boy" the doctor said.

"Thankyou doc can i have a copy of my ultra sound? " baek asked.

"Ofcourse wait me here." Doc said.

And the doctor walks out.

"Baek im happy right now." Chanyeol said.

"Im happy too" baek said.

3months passed but still chanyeol has still no feelings for baekhyun even tho baekhyun has developing his feelings for chanyeol. Its really hard for him but he knows that chanyeol didnt loves him. So he really should save money. Right now his money on his bank account is now 1 million and he will use it if ever chanyeol leaves him and his baby. He will understand why is he goin to do that. The doctor came back.

"Heres your copy mr.byun" doctor said.

"Thanks doc we will go now." Chanyeol said.

We walk out the door and chanyeol drives me home. I hop in his car slowly because my tummy is big now.

Ring ring... chanyeol's phone is ringing

"Hello?"chanyeol said.

(Chanyeol's Pov)

"Hello" i said.

"Hi mr.park this is sandara park im back" she said.

"What do you want? Were already over stop calling me" i said.

"Why mr.park? Are you scared? I just want you back?! And i heard your secretary is pregnant with your baby" sandara said.

"Dont you ever dare touch him or else i will kill you." I said.

"I just want you back?! Even if i dont have money to rent a bad guys i will seduce you" she said.


I saw baekhyun looking so scared.

"Baek im sorry its my ex girlfriend she wants me back and im really pissed off right now dont be scared i will protect you" i said.

"Chan you can go back to her if you love her i can manage our baby besides you dont love me and were not even in a relationship i can accept it you can still see your baby i will introduce you as his fath--" i cut what baek said.

"Are you out of your mind baek? I will never go back to her and besides even if we dont have relationship or even if i dont love you i promise to try everythimg to make our baby happy stop talkin nonsense baek. Its not funny. You want me to go back to her? Oh bitch what a nonsense thing. She only wants money not me so stop acting like this baek you dont even know my past stop judging me. And please If you keep on saying this topic to me im going to fuckin kill my self." I said.

I got out of my car and walk towards our house i leave baekhyun there hanging.

(Baekhyun's pov)

"Are you out of your mind baek? I will never go back to her and besides even if we dont have relationship or even if i dont love you i promise to try everythimg to make our baby happy stop talkin nonsense baek. Its not funny. You want me to go back to her? Oh bitch what a nonsense thing. She only wants money not me so stop acting like this baek you dont even know my past stop judging me. And please If you keep on saying this topic to me im going to fuckin kill my self" chanyeol said. And he quickly goes out of his car leaving me..

Maybe im too much. Maybe im wrong. Why cant i see that he is really trying to be a best father. Why am i like this. Im killing my self.

"Baby peanut im really sorry for judging your daddy maybe he's just stress but we will make this out. I will say skrry to you daddy okay" i said to my self while holding my tummy.

I quickly goes upstairs to our bedroom. I openes the door revealing the handsome tall man standing..

"Chanyeol im sorry. Im sorry for judging you im sorry for telling you that go back to that girl im sorry for hurting you. Im sorry im really sorry. I said while tears are falling down on my cheeks.

"Hey dont cry its not your fault im sorry tok because i shouted at you earlier." Chan said.

"Im just scared because you dont even love me and you will leave us hanging like nothibg haooends between us. Im scared because i thought if you go back to her your going to leave me and peanut" i said.

Chanyeol hugs me. I almost flinch but i hug him back. "Im sorry baek i promise you i will try to love you just give me a time" chanyeol said and i nodded. Im the first one to pull away. Chanyeol holds my cheeks and he kissed me. It was soft and Slow. But theres no love. He pulled away and hug me again..

"Chanyeol im craving for samgyeopsal" i said. chanyeol laugh at me.

"After the make out session my baby is now hungry" chanyeol said.

"Its not me its peanut who's hungry" i said and pout.

"Aigooo your so cute baekiee lets go down and i will cook for you" chanyeol said.

We go down and goes to our kitchen chanyeol cooks samgyeopsal for me..

To be continueee ❤❤❤

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