Chapter 6

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I feel so shy because chanyeol is holding my hands while walking to his office.

"Get in. I will come here on lunch we will eat." Chanyeol said.

"No need mr.park. i will eat by myself." Baekhyun said.

"Its for our baby so you dont have a choice but to come with me" chanyeol said.

I was shocked because before he comes in to his office he kissed my belly and my forehead. I was so shocked. I get in to my office.

Lunch time.....

"Babe lets go" chanyeol said.

"Wait yoda." Baek said.

Wait did he just call me babe? Wth were not in the relationship why did he call me that? I mumble to my self then i remember something "you can call me what ever you want" oh i just remember that he can call me what ever he wants.

"Baek you okay there? What took you so long?" Chanyeol asked.

"Oh no im fine ill be out now" baek said.

He opens the door and we walk outside the company and goes to the parking lot.

"Babe what do you want to eat." Chanyeol said.

"I dont know what ever you want is fine with me" baek said.

"Okay then lets eat at 5star restaurant." Chanyeol said

"Chan on September 10 its my first check up to my doctor and i would like to come with you." Baek said

"Oh sure anything for our baby" chanyeol said.

"Okay then" baek said as he holds his tummy.

We ate our lunch and goes back to work...

At 9pm work hours is over i collect my things and put it on my bag..

Knock knock

"Come in" baek said.

"Oh hi babe! Long time no see" jong suk said.

" you can go now im not in the mood" baek said.

Jongsuk came to where am i and then he starts to kiss mee i push him away and he touch my ass i wanted to shout i didnt know that it really came out on my mouth the words "CHANYEOL HELP MEEE CHANYEOL!" I Didnt know i said that. Then suddenly the door opens and i saw chanyeol. Chanyeol push jongsuk away from me. I quickly hold chanyeol's back and hug him.

"Who are you? What department are you? And why are you raping baekhyun?" Chanyeol said.

" oh hi mr.park! Good evening! Im from marketing department. If you excuse us were doing something here and you really disturb us" jong suk said.

Jong suk hold my hands and he try to drag me away from chanyeol but chanyeol holds my hand..

" jongsuk! Your fired i dont want to see tour face anymore in this company." Chanyeol said.

"Oh well i dont care then" jong suk said.

"And also let go of my husband or else i will kill you!" Chanyeol said.

"Your husband? Haha? Fuck you mr.park he's not yours" jong suk said.

"Well yes he's mine because were having a baby so you must let go of him before i punch you or drag you away" chanyeol said.

Jong suk let go of my hands and chanyeol hugs me. "Im sorry baek" chanyeol said. And i just say "its not your fault yoda thanks for saving me" baek said.

Ang gwapo ni kaiiii❤❤❤❤

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Ang gwapo ni kaiiii❤❤❤❤

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