Chapter 10 💖

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We leave in The hospital right away. I contact luhan and kyungsoo to go to chanyeol's apartment thay can see our baby in our house. But as usual they cant come because of their work they say they will visit me and chanhyun at weekends and i understand about that. Its all me and chanhyun. Chanyeol is needed to his office so i let him go. But its okay chanhyun and i can spend time together.

"Chanhyunaah. Peek a boo" i said. And chanhyun giggled. "Wahh chanhyunahh mommy is really happy to have you in my life" i said. Smiles.

6pm chanhyun is already asleep and i cooked for our dinner i know chanyeol will be late so i ate by my self. At 8pm i go upstairs while carrying chanhyun he wakes up to eat and i breast feed him. Slowly we both fell asleep...

(Chanyeol's pov)

Its already 12am i missed baekhyun and chanhyun already but i have to finish this work. 1am exact i finished my work. I get home. I opened the door and saw no one. Maybe baek and chanhyun is upstairs. I walk up stairs to change. When i opened the door i saw baekhyun and chanhyun sleeping "so adorable" i mumble to my self. I walk towards our bed and kissed baekhyun and chanhyun on forehead..

I quickly undress mu self and change to a pajamas and t shirt.

"Your here" baek said. And i almost flinch.

"Ahh yeah" i said.

"Have you eat dinner? I cooked some food its in the kitchen eat first" baek said.

"Okay i'll be right back" i said and kissed his forehead again "sleep now goodnight" i said and walk outside the room i go to the kitchen and saw the food there. I eat it. While im eating my phone rings.

"Hello?" I said.

"Oh hi babe" she said.

"I told you not to call me again right?" I said.

"I just want to inform you babe that i will be working for your company" dara said and endedthe call.

"I'll let you work on my company but i will never ever touch you again." I mumble to my self.

I goes back to our room and lay my self on the bed. And then fall asleep.

8 am in the morning i heard chanhyun is crying. I saw him beside me without baekhyun. I carry him and a minute later he stop crying i feel so happy.

"Chanhyunaah appa is here~" i said. And he only giggles "your so cute come on lets go to your mommyy" i said and kissed his forehead.

I walk down stairs while carrying chanhyun i saw baekhyun cooking some breakfast and i walk towards him. I snake my arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"Chanyeol you scared me" baek said .

"Im sorry haha goodmorning" i peck his lips.

"Morning" " and to this little boy goodmorning" baek said and kissed chanhyuns forehead.

"Daddy is jelous." I pouted and baekhyun just laugh but he leans closer and kissed me on lips.

"Chanyeol did you take a bath?" Baek said.

"Not yet babe." I said.

"Eewwww daddy stinkss come here chanhyun let daddy take a bath first before he carry you" baek said.

I just laugh and take a bath after taking a bath. I dressed my self and then my phone rang its dara.

"Hello?" I said.

"See you later babe" dara said.

"Fuck you" i said. And ended the call.

I walk down stairs and eat our breakfast. At 9am i already finished and i needed to go.

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