Chapter 4

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Hi mr.Byun! Can you please give this to Ceo park? Yixing said.

Ohh ahm ahh. I said.

Please Mr.Byun i have so many works today. Yixing said.

Okay then haha give it to me. I said.

He lends me the papers and i thank him.

How am i going to face Mr.Park i said to my self.

Okay you can do this baekhyun i walk to his office and knock on his door." COME IN" fuck im really nervous. I opened the door slowly i saw him looking at me i feel so nervous. His eyes big like he was shocked.

Mr.park. Mr.Zhang wants me to give this to you. I said.

Ahh okay just put it in here. He said.

I walk through his table to put the papers on his desk. When i put it on his desk i sighed "thank god i will go now" i mumble to my self.

Ahh Mr.Byun! About what happend last night i want to say sorry i was drunk last night so i cant control my self i was wrong i did it to you im really sorry. He said.

Ahh its okay Mr.Park were both drunk we didnt know what were doin. I said and smiled at him.

I hope were not that awkward now. He said.

Okay Mr.Park i have to go now. I said.

He nodded and walk outside and sigh in a relief now we both say sorry to each other i dont have to worry about it now just focus on my work..

8pm in the evening i finished my work "ahhh im really tired i should go home now" i said to my self i get my things and go out to my office. I saw mr.park's office is still open maybe he's goin to work late. I walk through the elevator and pressed down i waited for it to open. When it opens I SAW THE MAN THAT I DONT WANNA SEE. I get inside the elevator.

"Who's looks here". He said while smirking.

I didnt face him i just look at the elevator door. And didnt talk to him. A minutes ago he's kissing my neck.

"Jong suk get away from me" i pushed him away from me.

"Oh so you dont have scared of me now. You just pushed me away from you should i punish you?" Jong suk said.

"Jong suk i dont have time to play with you. So please can you please let me go." I said.

"No baekhyun your mine and i will never let you go" he said while shouting at me

I feel so scared now. He's kissing me and holding my ass. Then suddenly the elevator door open i saw sehun waiting he saw me.

Baek why are you crying? Sehun said.

Sehun looked at jong suk and he punch him.

Bitch! I told you to get away from baekhyun! Sehun said angrily.

Sehun stop lets go now! I said.

I hold sehun's hand tightly. When we reach the parking lot i cried on his shoulder. Sehun hugs me.

Baek no secrets now please tell me the truth. Sehun said.

Sehun! Jong suk is hurting me. He wants me to come back to him. Earlier at the elevator he kissed me and i cant fight with him cuz he's too strong. He holds my ass. Until the elevator opens he let go of me im so thankful that it was you. I said.

If he did this again just tell me! Baek dont keep your secret tell me everything he did if he hits his climax i will promise he will lose his job just tell me okay. Sehun said.

Mr.Park  (Chanbaek) Where stories live. Discover now