Chapter 2

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6am in the morning i woke up with the guy who saved me yesterday and that is my boss.

(Baekhyun's pov)
I have so many debts on you thankyou Mr.park i really owe you big. I mumble to my self.

I sleep again and face him. I look into his face. He's so handsome for me my boss is perfect. Ill be his secretary from now on. Suddenly he opens his eyes slowly.

Oh Mr.Byun your already awake?. Wait for me here i will cook some breakfast. Mr.park said.

No Mr.park im cooking our breakfast just take a bath and get ready for work i really owe you big so please forgive me for what i want. I said.

Okay then mr.byun i will take a shower and get ready.. Mr.park said

I quickly get to the kitchen and get some hotdogs and eggs on the fridge. I finished cooking when i saw Mr.Park trying to make his neck tie. I quickly get to him and hols the neck tie and do it for him. He's shocked when i did it.

Thankyou Mr.Byun. Mr.Park said.

From now on i will be the one who will wake you up. Choose the suit that you will use. Cook a breakfast for you and do your necktie. I said.

Mr.Byun you dont have to do that i can manage my self. Mr.park said.

Mr.Park please let me do it as your Secretary. Its my pleasure if you will let me do it. I said.

Okay then if thats what you want. Mr.Park said. He's smiling at me.

Mr.Park come on lets eat breakfast. I said and he nodded..

I finished eating while mr.park is still drinking his coffee while reading a newspaper.

Oh Mr.Byun are you done? Come on i will drop you on your apartment to change then i will drive you to our office. Mr.Park said.

Yes Mr.Park im done come on lets go. I said while smiling at him.

I quickly get in to Mr.Park's Car. Our ride is silent. I just look at the streets and trees that we passed..

We arrived at my apartment then my phone rang. I saw kyungsoo is calling.


Baekieeeeeeee!! We miss you so much luhan and i will going back now in korea so stay still baekiee we will see you again i miss you so much!!!!

Before i spoke the call ended and i headed on my apartment i let Mr.Park get in to my apartment so that he cant feel uncomfortable while waiting at the car.

I quickly get my suit I suit a tight jeans and long sleeves and shoes i also put eyeliner..

When i came out on my room i saw mr.park sleeping at my sofa his position is like sits down while sleeping haha. I quickly looked at the clock and its only 8am so i let Mr.Park sleep first i know that he's really not comfortable last night because im with him.. at 8:30am i woke him up.

Mr.Park wake up now lets go to work i said while smiling brightly on him.

Mr.Byun How long am i sleeping.?

Your sleeping for 30mins sir and i didnt wake you up because i let you sleep for 30 mins so that you can Get some energy. I said while smiling.

Okay come on now were goin to be late. Mr.Park said and i nodded.

I hop on Mr.Park's Car and suddenly my phone buzzed.

From kyungsoo:
Baekiee im sorry if the call was ended its because of luhan. I thought something happend. So see you tomorrow baekiee our flight is tonight at the morning we will arrived in korea. Please put the keys of your apartment to the Place we can see so that we can go in if your still not at you apartment?. Is it okay

Mr.Park  (Chanbaek) Where stories live. Discover now